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Articles in Home | Fitness & Exercise | Pilates

  • Pilates For Weight Loss  By : Jennifer Adolfs
    Pilates for weight loss: Find out the myths about diet and exercise and what you really need to do to accomplish your weight loss goals, including using Pilates exercises to build more lean muscle tissue, in turn reshaping your body.
  • Are You A Pilates Beginner?  By : Wendy Wood
    Pilates is a specific exercise regime designed to build all over body strength and control. Consisting mainly of abdominal and lower back exercises, the Pilates workout is a very popular low impact style of exercise. Like Yoga, Pilates emphasizes both spiritual and physical improvement. Also similar to Yoga, Pilates exercises comprise a ritual of breath control and stretching.
  • All About Pilates Equipment  By :
    All you need to know about Pilates exercise equipment
  • Pilates for the Older Adult  By : Jennifer Adolfs
    Pilates, not just for the younger generation. Find out why Pilates is the perfect way for older adults to exercise safely and effectively. It is low impact but still builds bones, is easy on the joints, and makes you feel energized instead of beat down by traditional strength training methods.
  • What is Metodo Pilates?  By : Chris Kennelly
    It is invariably undeniable that one of the most popular and sought-after exercises nowadays is pilates. In fact, this exercise has become a common household name, pushing back to ten years ago. Before, it started as a routine mainly composed of body movements that promote agility, proper body coordination, leaner muscles, and flexibility, among others.
  • Pilates as a Key to Weight Loss  By : Terence Young
    Americans are getting heavier all the time. As researchers learn more about the physiology of weight loss, it is becoming increasingly apparent that weight training is essential. Pilates is a system of calisthenics that is as helpful as weight lifting for building muscle mass and strength.
  • Pilates Improves Your Fitness Level  By : Jonathon Hardcastle
    More and more people have wondered whether Pilates is a form of exercise that can improve their muscle fitness and increase their strength. Experts believe that Pilates can indeed reduce a person's stress levels while increasing his or her mental awareness and body's flexibility.
  • Loosing Weight With Pilates  By : Jonathon Hardcastle
    The excess weight around your hips and waistline is in fact the outcome of poor nutrition and low exercise levels. According to scientists, the decreased exercising levels of current busy working professionals have resulted in poor metabolism rates and in many cases obesity.
  • Pilates Equipments For Deeper Core Training  By : Susan Jan
    Pilates exercise is a low intensity workout that combines a series of breathing techniques with stretching, and is suitable for all groups regardless of age or health. It helps improve the body's core muscles, including that in the back, abdomen, and buttocks, and also your posture, flexibility, strength and mental focus.
  • What Is Pilates?  By : Keith Lee
    Originally developed by a German national named Joseph Pilates who became well-known for his lifelong interest in body conditioning, Pilates is noted for its ability to shape and sculpt the entire body and help one to lose weight at the same time. It was conceptualized as a unique home workout that leaves one refreshed and alert with a great feeling of physical and mental well-being.
  • Don't Forget About Pilates  By : MITCHELL HAMPSON
    If you are looking for a work out schedule that will burn fat at the same time as helping you produce a longer, leaner physique bear in mind pilates. The program is intended to help build up your strength and suppleness as well as burning calories.
  • Learning About Body Core Conditioning With Windsor Pilates  By : Patricia Zelkovsky
    Having a strong body core is important to almost every function that we perform in our lives. From walking to combing our hair, to swimming or climbing the stairs, a strong body core is the basis for all of our movements.
  • How Pilates Can Promote Good Health In Both Mind And Body  By : Jim Johnson
    It's been known for some time that a good daily exercise routine can help both improve a person's physical health and also their mental outlook as well. The body just seems to respond well to being kept in tune.
  • How To Get Started Using Pilates Fitness Training  By : Jim Johnson
    If you haven't already joined the pilates fitness training wave, there is plenty of time to get on board. Pilates has been adopted successfully by millions as a way to get in shape and stay fit without extensive strength training and aerobic exercise.
  • Who Can benefit From A Pilates Home Fitness Workout?  By : Jim Johnson
    Have you been thinking about adding a pilates exercise routine to your daily workouts? If so, you aren't alone. Millions are turning to pilates exercises to help get in shape and manage their physical health.
  • The Benefits of Pilates Videos  By : Phyllis Wasserman
    With a video, you can do pilates at home!
  • The Most Powerful Muscle-Building Tool Available  By : Sean Nalewanyj
    The bodybuilding debates will never end. The endless arguments over how an effective muscle-building program should be structured will most likely continue until the end of time. Just scour the Internet message boards, flip through any muscle magazine or talk to the sales rep at your local supplement store. No matter who you talk to or what you read, it seems that everyone is an expert these days. Amidst all of the confusion, we must never lose sight of the big picture...
  • More Rest Means More Gains  By : Shawn LeBrun
    If you're feeling tired and sluggish, that can negatively impact your muscle and strength gains. This article by fitness author and bodybuilder Shawn Lebrun shows you why resting is important in making muscle gains.
  • The Benefits Of Using Pilates In Your Home Fitness Workouts  By : Jim Johnson
    Oftentimes workouts at home tend to focus on aerobic and strength training exercises in order to improve physical conditioning, and there is no doubt that such a program can be effective for many.
  • Pilates - A Complete Mind and Body Experience  By : Charles Kassotis
    An introduction to the origin and many health and mental benefits of Pilates.
  • Why Pilates Can help You Get Fit And Stay in Shape  By : Jim Johnson
    There are so many good ways to get fit and maintain good health through exercise and no one method works for everybody. That's why it's good to have a choice of fitness methods to use.
  • Yoga Versus Pilates - Which Should I Do?  By : Mike Singh
    Many have heard of yoga and Pilates. But, not everyone realizes that there are several differences between these two types of exercising regimens. In fact, yoga is hardly classified as just an exercise program. Each of these methods are quite powerful tools to allow you to feel and look better. But, they are also very different. In order to help you to make a choice between yoga and Pilates, let's explain them a little further.
  • Winsor Pilates, a Great Addition to Your Exercise Routine  By : Jay Moncliff
    If you turn on the television after midnight you'll notice that the infomercials for diets, fitness equipment and exercise tapes are becoming more and more popular. Do any of these systems really deliver what they promise?

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