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  • The Top 5 Most Deadly Foods You Are Eating and How to Stop Them From Killing You  By : Steve Hochman
    You have probably already eaten deadly foods today. Find out how to protect yourself.
  • Go Natural... Load Up on Fruits to Lose Those Extra Pounds  By : kaye
    This article partially discusses obesity or being overweight and the various factors that cause it. It also mentions a natural way of losing weight through a method called fruit-dieting. It also discusses the advantages of this type of program and the disadvantages of using weight-reducing medications.
  • Get the Chile Habit  By : Jane Butel
    Article defines the benefits of eating chiles regularly.
  • I Love To Live - Five reasons For Me To Make Healthy Food Choices  By : Terry Schierer
    Making healthy food choice doesn't come naturally. We learn it only when we decide it is important to us. Here are five personal reasons I have decided to make healthy food choices.
  • Low-Glycemic diets and foods  By : J. De La Cruz
    Obesity, perhaps the most important nutritional disease in the United States and in Europe, results, usually from excessive caloric intake. Virtually all chronic degenerative diseases that plague today's world are caused or exacerbated by the deterioration of the modern diet.
  • Healthier Cooking can increase the quality of your life!  By : George White
    Why healthy cooking can prolong your life and give you energy.
  • The Role of Fiber in Your Diet  By : Jude Wright
    When you're talking about diet, you usually hear that you need less of something. Less fat, less sugar, less cholesterol. But there is one thing that you need more of: fiber.
  • Eat Peppers for Good Health!  By : Scott Meyers
    Eating peppers is a great way to stay healthy. Besides tasting great, peppers contribute to fighting disease, improving your respiratory health, and stimulating the digestive tract.
  • Fat Free Foods Do Not Necessarily Mean Fat Free Body  By : Jason Cox
    Foods labeled as fat free, have become regularly stocked merchandise in stores. These foods are indeed better for you. However, consuming these foods does not always result in a fat-free body.
  • American Diet - More Processed Foods, Less Natural Foods  By :
    The impact of food processing and refining on the American diet.
  • Help I Am Allergic To MSG  By : David Cowley
    What you need to know about MSG Allergies
  • Forget About An Apple A Day - There Are Lots Of Places To Find Vitamin C!  By : MIKE SELVON
    Taking a vitamin C tablet to ensure that you are keeping your immune system running well is very popular.
  • Fast Food, Slow Death?  By : R. Adam Shore
    A nation on the go, fast food chains recording record sales and if you're not careful you are dying a slow death. What you need are a few healthful hints and facts on fast food.
  • Eat Chocolate for Health, but Make Sure It's Dark Chocolate  By : Scott Meyers
    Chocolate is not just a tasty treat. Chocolate is actually healthy for you in small quantities. Researchers have spent many years studying this delicious food (what a fun thing to research!)
  • Whole Grains and How They Help You to Stay Healthy  By : Scott Meyers
    Whole grains are rightly touted as one of the best sources of fiber. Whole grains should be a part of every individual's daily diet, as they are extremely beneficial to health for a multitude of reasons.
  • Our Food Habits are in Disarray  By :
    American food habits are in disarray, which can be explained by the way our diet patterns have evolved.
  • Drop the Carbs and Drop the Fat  By : Steven Walters
    Carbohydrate rotation - a very effective method for losing weight quickly. Learn how to manipulate carbohydrates and get in the best shape of your life.
  • 5 Simple Tips For Eating Healthy  By : Adrian Adams
    In this age of fast food and 5 minute meals in a box, it can be difficult to eat healthy. Healthy eating is very important in to maintain the proper weight, stay energized and keep our mind functioning to its maximum capability.
  • Bioflavinoids: Powerful Antioxidant from Raw Foods  By : Roxanne Vick
    What nutritional element strengthens our capillaries, blood pressure, and also prevents wrinkles, yet is not found in most multivitamins? This important element has been even deemed a non-essential part of human nutrition, but those who want to be truly healthy should be sure they get plenty of these!
  • Apricots Are Loading With Nutritional Goodies  By : Aaron Stanlich
    Apricots are somewhat lesser known in society, but pack a super nutritional punch.
  • 25 Life Saving Health Secrets  By : andrew chin
    Healthy Living is the number one goal among North Americans. However, 80% of the population do not know that cooking healthy, eating healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables, and making healthy choices can mean the difference between life and death.
  • The Youthful Powers Of Breakfast  By : Jimmy Cox
    For years you've been assured that "life begins at 40." And so it does - if your middle years are protected from the serious ailments that often sneak in with the 40th birthday. But I doubt if you've given much thought to the fact that youth begins at breakfast.
  • Reducing Poor Eating Habits And Increase Your Lifespan  By : Jimmy Cox
    Nutritional scientists, along with the biochemists, are proving more conclusively every day that most of your ills have their beginnings in poor eating habits.
  • Holiday Guide-Enjoy your holidays & be healthy!  By : GDTECHINDIA
    Holiday season is the best among all seasons. Holiday season is the best for family gatherings, spending time with friends, and snowball battles. All of us want to enjoy holiday season. Several people feel migraine problems and severe headaches due to wrong strategy of spending holidays. You should follow some guidelines to enjoy wonderful holidays.
  • The Secrets of Honey  By : Jaks Lloyd
    I have regularly taken a mixture of organic honey and organic cider vinegar in a glass of hot water every morning for years. Not only is it a very pleasant warming drink but also it gives you the energy that you cannot get from your morning tea or coffee
  • 6 Tips for Eating Healthy While Dining Out  By : Yuki Shoji
    Unless you're a total recluse you will never be able to completely avoid dining out all of your life.
  • 4 Tips for Eating Healthy Mexican Food  By : Yuki Shoji
    Have you ever tasted a great plate of Mexican food? If so, then you're probably no stranger to the urge to want to eat it again.
  • Eating the Way Your Body Wants to Be Fed  By : Scott Meyers
    Did you know that you need to eat something every three hours in order to maintain steady blood sugar and energy levels? When you get that hungry feeling it's too late.
  • Feed Your Brain the Right Foods  By : Lambert Klein
    Studies do indicate that the diet has a role on our IQ. Your brain's health not only depends on how much you eat but what you eat. This goes for fat as well. There are good and bad fats. Some of the better fats include olive oil and fish oil that contains omega fatty acids.
  • Fast Food and Calories  By : Karen Sessions
    Isn�t it oddly shocking that America is so well-advanced in everything, except health and fitness? While the fitness industry tells us to count calories and exercise for fat loss, we grow fatter and fatter as a nation.
  • Does oily fish reduce the risk of Alzheimer�s disease and dementia?  By : David McEvoy
    People who eat a diet high in oily fish might significantly reduce their risk of developing Alzheimer�s disease and dementia in later life according to research by Tufts University and published in the journal Archives of Neurology.
  • 4 Health Benefits of Watermelons  By : Yuki Shoji
    When you were young, eating watermelon was about taste, but now that you're older it's more than just taste that should inspire you to eat lots of watermelon each year when the season arises.
  • 4 Health Benefits of Sword Fish  By : Yuki Shoji
    As Omega 3 essential oils have been shown in scientific studies to be an excellent addition to a healthy diet, the popularity of sword fish has grown, as it is an excellent source of this nutrient.
  • Eating Your Best For Your Age  By : Reuben John
    Based on your medical history or any illnesses you have, a doctor or a nutritionist will be able to tell yo what you should eat that will be best for your body and your life.
  • 5 Quick and Healthy Breakfast Tips  By : Yuki Shoji
    If you go the whole morning without eating then when it comes time to eat lunch your more likely to over eat to compensate for the extra hunger.
  • 5 Tips for Easy and Healthy Snacking  By : Yuki Shoji
    Do you understand how important healthy snacks are
    to your healthy lifestyle? If you live a healthy lifestyle, then snacking is something that is not new to you. However, are you snacking properly?
  • 3 Tips for Cooking Chicken Healthy  By : Yuki Shoji
    Since part of living a healthy lifestyle and maintaining an attractive figure requires your primary source of protein to come from chicken, it is only fitting that you should know the healthiest and quickest ways for eating it.
  • 4 Quick and Healthy Dinner Ideas  By : Yuki Shoji
    A friend of mine doesn't eat healthy because he says he doesn't have the time to. Did you know that the one excuse most often cited by people for why they don't eat healthy is that they don't have time?
  • 5 Healthy and Easy Ways to Prepare Vegetables  By : Yuki Shoji
    Vegetables are good for you. However, people don't eat them enough because they don't realize that there are many ways in which to prepare them.
  • 4 Healthy Cooking Tips  By : Yuki Shoji
    There's nothing wrong with taking baby steps and working your way up to a completely healthy lifestyle. If this sounds like a better option for you, then continue reading and learn about the following tips for starting out on the road to healthy living.
  • 4 Ways to Cut Carbohydrates from Your Healthy Lifestyle  By : Yuki Shoji
    Carbohydrates aren't completely to blame. It's our inability to not eat so many of them.
  • Health Benefits of Dark Chocolates  By : Jane Saeman
    Can eating chocolate really be good for you?
  • A Delicious, Detoxifying and Highly Nutritious Breakfast Recipe  By : Randa Khalil
    Not only does the delicious Kousmine-Budwig breakfast bring you all the nutrition your body need in a meal, it is also a great way to kick off the body's detoxifying process upon arising.
  • The Importance of Eating Well  By : Jimmy Cox
    Remember that your body needs the proper amount and variety of vitamins. Vitamin deficiency often causes run-down conditions, makes you susceptible to colds and illness. A sufficiency of vitamin intake is one of nature's great safeguards against the premature aging process.
  • Water For Weight Loss  By : John Porter
    How vital water is to not only our daily lives, but to our weight loss program.
  • 5 Nutrition-Packed Foods For Your Health  By : Adrian Adams
    When it comes to nutrition-packed foods, Mother Nature has produced them in so much abundance that it gets difficult to pick one and leave out another in the top 5 list.
  • Imagine Creating Your Own Edible Salad From Your Indoor Vegetable Garden  By : Christopher Jay
    Haven't you always wanted better, fresher, more colorful vegetables from your neighborhood market? You can only guess what those old veggies have been through before their arrival at the store.
  • Fruits: The Guide To Good Health  By : Kevin Pederson
    This article explains the miraculous healing properties of fruits including weight loss, healthy diet, body cleansing, natural cure for obesity and many more benefits. Fruits are not only good source as food; they also serve as natural remedies to treat common ailments.
  • 4 Foods to Keep Stocked in Your Kitchen  By : Yuki Shoji
    To avoid the unhealthy food temptations that society has to offer, you should keep your kitchen pantry stocked with the foods that a healthy lifestyle requires.
  • 5 Reasons to Avoid High Fructose Corn Syrup  By : Yuki Shoji
    Here's a scientific fact for you. High fructose corn syrup is a man made chemical that you should avoid at all costs if you're striving for a healthy and attractive lifestyle.
  • Flavoring with Organic Oils to Better Living  By : rateempire
    Flavoring with organic oils is a better way of living healthy. When you think healthy, you must think macrobiotic, or natural. Natural gives you the whole amount of healthy product that you need. You have untreated products that cause less harm than those items created by man.
  • Keep Yourself Honest With a Food Diary  By : Wendy Wood
    A great tool for dieting is keeping a personal food diary. There is something about looking at your food intake in indisputable writing that helps you curb your bad food habits.
  • Best Diet For Fibromyalgia  By : Hailey Harris
    This article shows fibromyalgia sufferers there is hope to relieving the pain and fatigue of fibromyaliga through diet. You can feel better. There are specific things you can change in your diet to help eliminate fibromaylgia symptoms.
  • Keep Those Youthful Looks With Antiaging Nutrition!  By : Dean Caporella
    Antiaging nutrition could be the secret to slowing down the aging process. We tell you why in this revealing report!
  • How To Burn Fat With Foods That Boost Metabolism  By : James Perious
    Foods that boost metabolism is a hot topic among those interested in losing fat and keeping it off. The word metabolism refers to how you digest and convert food into energy. If you have a fast metabolism you will burn calories more easily than someone with a slow metabolism. By eating foods that boost metabolism you will burn more calories and more fat much easier.
  • Deficient Diets Brought Degenerative Diseases Including Dental Infections.  By : Sung Lee, and George Meinig D.D.S
    Nutrition - Hunger Any machine we use is dependent upon fuel to operate. Likewise,well-being is dependent on the nature,quantity, and quality of the foods people consume. However,it is increasingly clear the average person thinks that whatever is put into the body through the mouth will adequately feed the body.
  • All About Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) in the Food Industry  By : Josh Stone
    Pretty controversial for a food additive. The reactions to it are all over the dial. Patrons object to MSG in restaurant food, then go home and make a soup with chicken bullion just loaded with MSG and think nothing of it.
  • 4 Important Foods for a Healthy Diet  By : Yuki Shoji
    we're always hearing about how overweight our society has become and how we should exercise more and eat healthier foods, such as fruits and vegetables, but nobody ever bothers to tell us exactly which healthy foods we should eat or how much of them we should eat.
  • Switch from Coffee to Green Tea  By : Harvey Robinson
    Tips to help you switch from Coffee to Green Tea.
  • 5 Foods to Eat for Optimal Health  By : Yuki Shoji
    Most of us are bombarded by so many new studies and dietary guidelines mentioned in the news today that it's no wonder we fail to live healthy lives. They don't know what to believe.
  • 5 Tips for Controlling Food Cravings  By : Yuki Shoji
    Everyone knows that a late night food craving can completely ruin a day of healthy living. Because this is often the leading reason why people fail at living a healthy life, the following tips have been compiled to help win the war on late night cravings.
  • 5 Bad Foods to Avoid Eating  By : Yuki Shoji
    Imagine what it would be like if at age 65 you looked 40. The upside to wanting to live a healthier, longer life, and look good while doing it is that the ability to do so is entirely within your control.
  • 7 Reasons to Avoid Sugar  By : Yuki Shoji
    Did you know that Americans consume an average of three pounds of sugar per week? Sugar is present
    in more foods than just candy.
  • Terrible Eating Habits and You  By : Yuki Shoji
    Picture yourself five years from now. How do you see yourself looking? Thin? Fat? Whether you're thin or obese, chances are that your eating habits are terrible, or could at least use a little tweaking.
  • 4 Steps to Eating Healthier  By : Yuki Shoji
    Many studies have already proven that most people today have horrible eating habits. Even those people who believe they are living a healthy and attractive lifestyle would probably be surprised to learn that their eating habits need some improvement.
  • What Fish To Buy For Optimum Omega 3s  By : Michael Byrd
    Would you like to add more fish to your family's diet? Good plan! With all the healthy benefits associated with fish, I promise you won't be sorry.
  • The Myth About Sugar Free Foods  By :
    How Sugar Alcohols can skyrocket your blood sugar levels.
  • What Did the Bushmen Get For Their Discovery ?  By : Frank Schliff
    Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) in South Africa was doing a study of indigenous foods that the Bushmen ate.
  • 11 Belly Fat Busters and a Promise  By : Scott Magers
    You will soon discover 11 little-known belly fat buster tips that when combined with a certain promise will help you reach all your weight loss goals.
  • Fats - What They Are And What They Do to You  By : Jimmy Cox
    The outstanding fats eaten daily in the United States and Europe are butter, eggs, whole milk, cream, meat, fish and poultry fats, and cheese in various combinations. These fats, at 9 calories per gram, contain more than twice the amount of calories than protein or carbohydrate does at four calories each per gram.
  • Healthy Living Means Healthy Eating But It Is Not That Obvious  By : Frank Schliff
    Make changes to help lower it or keep it low and reduce your risk for heart disease. These are guidelines for heart-healthy living that the whole family
  • Just Why Is An Espresso Good For You  By : Douglas Taylor
    So just what health benefits can I possibly expect from drinking a cup of hot brown espresso. However, what is important that any coffee you do drink must contain caffeine in order for it to work effectively.
  • A Brief Guide to Low Carb Foods  By : Trevor Mulholland
    Here are a few examples of low carb foods that also tickle the taste buds...
  • Spices � Healthy Food Additives  By : Dr Keith Scott
    There is a strong case for replacing synthetic food additives with spices. Not only do spices add color and flavor to foods but their powerful antioxidant and other beneficial properties provide protection against many diseases. Artificial flavorings and colorings do not provide any benefits and may even be harmful.
  • Do You Eating The Right Diets for Anti-Aging?  By : Stewart Levison
    Ensuring the right diets for Anti-Aging is difficult decision and choice. Since The daily diets taken by someone in the long-term may affect their health and aging condition in spiral effect. Every people must take some efforts to ensure their daily diets are complied with the Anti-Aging diets. In this article we discuss the importance and solution for ensuring the right diets for healthy and anti-aging.
  • Healthy Skin, Hair and Teeth - Benefits of a Healthy Diet  By : Carol Stack
    The skin is the largest organ in the body, and the most exposed. Most people don't take proper care of their skin - either due to hectic work or due to pure ignorance. Read more to find out how you can keep your skin healthy and looking young.
  • Where to Find Low Carb Recipes Online  By : Trevor Mulholland
    This article lists a few sites that are rich in quality low carb recipes.
  • Healthy Eating with Tasty Foods and Still Lose Weight  By : Lambert Klein
    Dieting and foods are not synonymous with bad tastes. You can prepare food which is not only good and tastes great, but with a little ingenuity and a few recipes; you can enrich your diet regimen and ultimately lose weight at the same time.
  • Muscle Building Foods That Help Build Muscle And Burn Fat Fast  By : Chung Leong Yu
    Eating muscle building foods does help you get the edge and build muscles much faster than just eating normal foods.
  • Torrance School District Out Front In Nutrition Battle  By : Alec Moreland
    Who's leading the fight against malnutrition and obesity in America? While it would seem the answer would be many different groups and individuals, it is clear that the Torrance Unified School District in Southern California has to be included in the mix.
  • Something Juicy Can Be Tasty And Healthy  By : Jeff Clare
    Back in the late 1980's health food stores were intruducing many people to "juicing". No, not the "juicing" of the bodybuilding world where the term refers to taking steroids.
  • The Importance of Meal Planning  By : J Lance Curtis
    If you have a social life or a family to take care of, let alone a full or even part-time job, consider the ways that meal planning can help improve your life. Meal planning in advance can save you time cooking, time spent in the food market, and the amount of food that was left in the refrigerator after the meal is done.
  • Carbohydrates - What Are These Good For Anyway?  By : J Lance Curtis
    Carbohydrates are either a nutritional blessing or curse, depending on to which "diet guru" you listen. But carbs are neither good or bad. Discover for what your body uses carbohydrates and the role these play in your healthy nutrition.
  • 100% Fad Free  By : Simon Evans
    Most of us already know what is healthy and what is not if we just think about it. Avoid the fad diets and use your common sense and you will go a long way toward health
  • Definition of a Healthy Snack?  By : Alec Moreland
    You'll never get an argument if you say, "We need to find healthier snack solutions." It's not controversial to say "Unhealthy Snacking is among the top reasons for Americans being overweight and obese in unprecedented, never before seen in the history of the planet numbers.
  • The Problem with Speed Eating  By : Dave Elger
    This article examines the link between eating too fast and weight gain.
  • Simple Meal Planning for Busy Families  By : J Lance Curtis
    While nutrition may be a very important aspect of our lives, many people feel that they simply don�t have the time for meal planning. With two income families and extracurricular activities, many people say they�re concerned with their family�s diet, but just don�t know how to begin planning healthy meals that won�t take up a large portion of their already limited time.
  • Discover The Benefits Of Soluble Fiber  By : Rebecca Prescott
    We might hear a lot about fiber, but the role of soluble fiber is generally less well known. Find out how it can benefit health issues like diabetes, cholesterol, and bowel problems; and a surprising new source of it.
  • Yogurt Yeast Infections  By : Graham Winmill
    Although it isn't the cure for the common cold, many people certainly acclaim the benefits of this cure as being heaven sent. As a relief from the burning, itching, rash, and vaginal discharge, yogurt yeast infections remedies are the number one thing on many people's minds.
  • A Recipe For Memorable Holidays  By : Sandra Hughes
    Holiday recipes-everyone is looking for just the right mix to make this season memorable. The best ones are the ones received from friends or passed down in the family-ones that stand the test of time.
  • Protein - Why?, What?, When? and How Much?  By : J Lance Curtis
    When you think of protein, do you picture bodybuilders? It's true that protein is an essential nutrient to build lean muscle mass, but its primary role is as an all-purpose nutritional building block to maintain your health and vitality. Your entire body consists of protein; nerves, bones and muscle are all created and maintained with the help of protein. It is the principle component of your skin, hair, nails, blood, and internal organs.
  • Healthy & Good Tasting Fitness Snack Recipes  By : James Penn
    Healthy snacks don't have to be difficult to make, although some may take a little extra work. Regardless of the work involved, though, they sure do not have to lack great taste. Here are some recipes to try with your family and friends at the gym.
  • Do You Really Have to Ban Dessert?  By : Jude Wright
    One of the first things that is always added to the "I can't have" list when starting a diet is dessert. Such things as cheesecake, chocolate, ice cream, cupcakes and cookies have been forbidden.
  • Food Options For Lower Cholesterol  By : Riley Hendersen
    Want to eat a more heart healthy diet? Looking for ways to cut some cholesterol from your meals? Here are some options to help you make eating decisions that are better for you and contain a lower cholesterol count.
  • Are Eating Disorders Related To Bad Habits (Part 2)?  By : Keith Crovatt
    What are 5 important steps to take control of your eating disorders? In "Are Eating Disorders Related To BadHabits (Part 1)" we discussed the various types of eating disorders and some examples that will hit home with many readers. In this article, we want to explore 5 ways to break an eating disorder habit.
  • What Are The Benefits Of Drinking Espresso  By : Douglas Taylor
    As long as you do not drink too much, espresso is good for you. But just why is espresso good for you? The reason is that it contains anti-oxidants that many people are unaware of. These anti-oxidants help to boost your health and it does not matter whether you drink espresso or a cappuccino.
  • How To Become A Healthy Eater  By : Gaetane Ross
    Healthy eating is all about balanced and moderate eating, consisting of healthy meals at least three times per day. Healthy eaters eat many different types of foods, not limiting themselves to one specific food
    type or food group.
  • Top Ten Natural Sources of Important Vitamins and Minerals  By : James Penn
    This article will discuss the top ten natural foods that contain important vitamins that your body requires.
  • Let Your Food Be Your Medicine  By : James Penn
    The standard American diet is nothing short of a death trap. More Americans are overweight today than at any other time in history. And, as obesity soars, so do many other sickness and diseases. Many of which could be eliminated or at least greatly diminished if we took responsibility for our own well-being.
  • 5 Foods For A Super Healthy Snack  By : Adrian Adams
    Snacks play an important role in our diets and health, but when they're filled with things like sugar and fat, the role they play can be an unsavory one.

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