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Articles in Home | Family Health

  • Man's Best Friend & Separation Anxiety  By : jelly
    A dog is part of every home and part of the family. knowing what your pet is undergoing is very essential to any dog owner
  • The Flagyl Antibiotic  By : Grigoriy Anoshenko
    Flagyl is an effective and valued defense against bacterial infection. The generic name for Flagyl is metronidazole.
  • Seven Ways to Make Your Blended Family A Success  By : Sharon Vaz
    Almost half of American marriages end in divorce and remarriage is common, often leading to blended families. With careful management, challenges of tension and disruption can be overcome and the stressed blended family can become a success.
  • Autism - Why You Need A Circle Of Friends  By : Jean Shaw
    My youngest son has autism and the hardest thing for me to come to terms with was that he might never have "friends".
  • Healthy Eating for the Whole Family  By : Wendy Wood
    Traditionally, dieting has been centered on adopting a specialized meal plan until such time as the needed weight is lost. Modern views of dieting tend to focus more on adopting a new way of viewing food and changing our lifestyle to reflect a healthy, balanced and satisfying way of eating.
  • The Family Tree Is Important To All Families  By : David Fishman
    Most software have some type of safety precautions so you don't loose your work, many come with a backup utility so you save your work to a separate file.
  • A Look at the Psychological Stages of Divorce and Your Children  By : Angela Abbette
    Psychologists recognize three major stages that families go through when they divorce, with each stage having its pitfalls and opportunities. "Opportunities" may seem like an odd choice of word considering the emotional pain that divorce inevitably brings, yet from a purely developmental point of view, any challenge in life can spur emotional growth.
  • Of Bellies and Brains  By : Simon Evans
    The most important skill we can give our kids today is adaptability. This will be required to succeed in our rapidly changing world. Focus on brain fitness will focus on all the necessary skills for achievement.
  • Health Conditions That a Good Fiber Diet Can Prevent  By : Aaron Stanlich
    We have all heard that fiber is important for a healthy life. But how important? Let us have a look at some the health conditions that fiber in your diet can combat.
  • What is true education?  By : Jason Sisneros
    It has come to my attention that much of education as we know it � formal schooling and the like � has fallen very short of the goal of actually educating someone as defined by the dictionary, which is to instruct or enlighten. How many of us know people who are highly �educated� and don�t have the first clue about how to treat people.
  • Youth Obesity Rages Out of Control  By : Alec Moreland
    Years ago, it was rare to see an obese adult and almost unheard of to see an obese young person. Don't believe it? Just watch old movies or television shows.
  • Family Fitness Fun - Keep Fit & Healthy & Have Fun With Your Family!  By : James Penn
    When you make time for fitness, you find the effort more than worthwhile. Not only does your physical appearance improve when you shed those unwanted pounds, you also feel more energetic and more enthusiastic about life. So grab your family and hit the desk with these fitness ideas.
  • Morning, Noon and Night - The Stages of Our Lives With Languages  By : Beth Butler
    Find out the latest on how learning and speaking a second language can carry you from infancy, through early school years and into your golden years.
  • How to Get Your Kids to Eat Fish  By : Michael Byrd
    With all the evidence supporting the healthy benefits of eating fish, it seems almost like abuse not to feed your children fish on a regular basis.
  • Give Your Family a Health Makeover  By : Jamie Jefferson
    Fourteen tips for helping your family achieve optimal health and wellness.
  • How These Food Choices Can Harm Your Baby  By : Ron Garner
    Everything in this article is relevant for children. If we want to have healthy children, we should feed them healthy food.Mothers should prepare their bodies nutritionally, well ahead of becoming pregnant, by detoxifying, drinking lots of fresh juices, eating raw foods, getting essential fatty acids such as hemp and flax oils, breathing fresh air, exercising, and resting
  • Bring On The Summer Vacation!  By : Pat Brill
    Have you ever noticed a mom that looked tired and frustrated on a family vacation? Of course you have, we�ve all been there. This summer you can actually enjoy a vacation without returning home exhausted. Here�s how to plan the perfect vacation where you get to relax and your kids still have a blast
  • 9 Amusement Park Tips You Need To Know  By : Pat Brill
    Before you throw your kids in the car and head off for a great day at the amusement park, there are some things you need to consider. Few things can be more frustrating and disappointing than going to an amusement park ready to have a great time, only to end up having a miserable day instead.
  • Fabulous Fitness Secrets for Busy Moms: 3 Ways to Exercise and Save Time  By : Pat Brill
    The great thing about Moms is that we are magnificent at multi-tasking. Here are some great ways to stay fit while spending time with the kids. In this article we will provide plans that will ensure great exercise for Mom, great activity for the kids, and a wonderful opportunity for bonding.
  • 9 Tips To Make Back To School Shopping A Snap  By : Pat Brill
    It barely seems as if the final school bell rang, and already it�s time to get the kids ready to head back! With everything else you have on your plate, the idea of back-to-school shopping can be, well, less than thrilling, and just a little overwhelming.
  • Info On Cord Blood Banking  By : Anita Cherry
    Learn more about cord blood banking and stem cell preservation as a potential source to treat cancer and other blood disorders. How saving your child's umbilical cord stem cells can help in life threatening diseases.
  • No-Hassle Ways to Get Kids to Bed On-Time  By : Christine Harrell
    Practical and creative ways to help kids get to bed on-time.
  • Healthy Eating for Families: 20 Quick and Easy Dinnertime Tips  By : Jamie Jefferson
    By the end of any given weekday, we have packed lunches, kissed foreheads, gone to work, driven carpool all over town, and now...now it is time to cook dinner. Here are twenty quick and easy tips that can also make for magical family memories.
  • 10 Fun Family History Activities for Family Reunions  By : Marie Christianson
    If you are the type who love having the family together and enjoy doing the planning of activities during those holidays, you can read on and get ideas about 10 family activities you can do with your loved ones. These family activities will make you reflect in your family tradition by thinking about your ancestors because these games concentrate on your genealogy or family history.
  • Antibacterial Soaps: Why You Should Avoid Them Like the Plague  By : Christine Farlow
    Antibacterial soaps DO NOT help your family stay healthy. They may even be making you sick!
    Antibacterial soaps have been widely embraced as a way to "kill germs" and prevent illness. But not all bacteria are harmful. And not all "germs" are bacteria.
  • Healthier Food Choices For Your Family  By : Kathleen Frassrand
    Todays meals are all about quick and easy. Buying pre-packaged meals may save time, but we sacrifice nutrition. Here are some ideas on how to change your food lifestyle.
  • Effect of Birth Order on Children  By : Barney Garcia
    Older sister, younger brother, or middle child are more than just labels that people have in a family; psychologist say that birth order has an effect on all aspects of a child's personality.
  • Performance Enhancers -Walking In Integrity  By : Dana Smith
    We must understand what these substances are. Anabolic steroids are synthetically produced variants of the naturally occurring male hormone testosterone. Both males and females have testosterone produced in their bodies
  • Family - The Best Kinship In The World  By : Barney Garcia
    A family is a domestic group of people who are either related by birth, by marriage or through other legal relationships that include domestic partnership, surnames, and adoption or by simple ownership.
  • What is Cord Blood and Can it Help Your Baby?  By : Bob Kish
    Cord Blood information on stem cells, cord blood storage, cord blood banks, cord blood use, and cord blood efficacy.
  • What You Need to Know about Stem Cell Research  By : John Morris
    Stem cell research is one of the most important breakthroughs that happened in November 1998. It was when two separate researchers successfully took stem cells from aborted fetuses and human embryos...
  • Do You Know the Top 100 Baby Names?  By : Bob Kish
    Contains info on top baby names, specifically listing the top 25 most popular baby names out there.
  • How Does She Do It All?  By : Karen Fusco
    The Fine Art of Balancing Work, Family, School and Anything Else Life Throws at You
  • Mom Time � No Guilt Allowed!  By : Karen Fusco
    Something happens when you have a child. Suddenly time seems to shrink faster than a new pair of jeans in the dryer. Leisure time becomes a distant dream, and if you are lucky enough to have a few minutes a day to yourself, you feel guilty.
  • Rainy Day Fun For The Whole Family  By : Karen Fusco
    Nothing can dampen spirits like a rainy day. Kids aren�t the only ones who get cranky when they�re cooped up inside. So to stop those rainy day doldrums before they happen, take a look at these 9 Great Rainy Day Ideas.
  • Cord Blood - The Future of Medicine  By : John Morris
    If you remember your Biology classes, you would recall that cells are the building blocks that make up an organism. While most cells have a designated purpose (such as heart cells that merge to form the heart, or kidney cells that combine to form a kidney), there are others, such as stem cells that have the distinct capability to adjust and adapt to other cells to promote new and healthy growth along certain cells all through the body...
  • Cord Blood and Stem Cells  By : Nicky Pilkington
    There has been a lot of talk in the news recently about the positive benefits of retaining cord blood, and the need to invest time and money in stem cell research.
  • DNA Test Helps to Know Birth Parents  By : James Hunt
    What is a paternity test? Most of us have probably heard that term even if we have not had in done ourselves...
  • Family Photos, Bringing Back Memories  By : Marie Christianson
    There is nothing like a family photo to help jolt the memory and make you remember the great times you have had together. Whether a funny photo of your family vacation, a touching moment at your family reunion, or a precious baby photo, every picture has some sort of special memory attached to it.

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