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  • Your Kids And A Natural Body Detox  By : John Khu
    When you are thinking about engaging in a body detox system, remember to keep your children in mind. Their health is not something that should be risked in a full body detox plan, but you'll find that there are plenty of ways which you can help them stay healthy!
  • How a Mother Cured her Babies Eczema Naturally  By : john sweet
    Young babies and children suffer from eczema. Here is a natural and unusual way that one mother healed her son after he had suffered for two years.
  • Is Your Child Showing These Behavioral Disorder Symptoms?  By : Gary Toh
    This article takes a look at mental disorders in children. What symptoms should you look out for in your child that may suggest something is wrong? Know these and seek help if you spot them because if left untreated, such disorder can have very damaging effects on your child...
  • TEST ANXIETY: A Silent Epidemic among Children  By : Michael Corvin
    This form of school-related stress hounds the kindergarten pupil as much as the Ivy League scholar. Test anxiety is when a student becomes so nervous about taking an examination that he can no longer perform well. This is actually a type of performance anxiety that prevents a student from reading and writing the right answers to a test. Sometimes, a little anxiety can serve as a motivation for a student to prepare and study harder for an upcoming examination. But if it already creates a paralyzing effect and disrupts daily routine, it may already be a case that must be referred to the academic supervisor or to the school psychologist.
  • Divorce and Child Depression : Are They Related  By : Faye B. Roberts
    Divorce and child depression may very well go hand in hand as parental separation and divorce can be totally devastating for children and teenagers.
  • Identifying Depression In Children  By : Faye B. Roberts
    Depression in children is different from the normal "blues" and usual emotions that happens as a child develops.
  • Why Did My Child Get Cancer?  By : iman ashour
    This article explain common yet little known causes that are cancer risk factor to be avoided.
  • Is my baby colicky?  By : Tina Allen, LMT, CIIT, CIMI
    Have you ever wondered what COLIC means? Leading international parent educator and expert Tina Allen from liddlekidz.com answers your questions and gives you easy solutions to help comfort and soothe your colicky baby.
  • 10 Reasons to Give Your Baby a Massage  By : Scott Meyers
    Babies respond well to gentle massages and receive many benefits from the loving touch of a parent or caregiver. If bonding and showing your baby is not enough reason to give your infant a massage, there are ten other reasons you should consider.
  • Helping Children Cope with Separation  By : michael laycock
    Solutions for parents divorcing or separating about giving their children the means of exploring and understanding their feelings, normalising their feelings and equipping them with successful strategies for dealing with other future losses in their lives.
  • Lost Sense of Taste and Case of Grey Teeth.  By : Sung Lee, and George Meinig D.D.S
    My child's teeth have come in very dark grey. Our dentist says it is from medication. Can you enlighten me about it? Will the discoloration go away? This is usually due to the antibiotic tetrocycline. The drug causes a change in tooth and bone browth during the time it is used
  • Childhood Obesity Is A Solvable Problem  By : Donovan Baldwin
    When it comes to childhood obsity, kids don't choose to get fat. They are led to it by a lot of factors, not the least of which are the choice of their parents. Here's what's happening and what you can do to help.
  • Nutrition Standards for Juvenile Diabetics  By : Andrew Bicknell
    The nutritional recommendations for juveniles with diabetes are much the same as the general population in this country. Children with diabetes need to eat a well balanced and healthy diet in order to keep their blood sugar levels in the normal range.
  • Yoga for Kids: Holistic Approach to the Health of Our Children  By : Paul M. Jerard Jr.
    Yoga classes for children are a parent's gift of good health. Yoga gives kids a better chance to develop good habits, handle stress, find natural solutions to good health, and live a quality life.
  • The New Age Child  By : Abhishek Lodha
    Here comes the New Age Child - the Indigo Child. Clear and large eyes are the recognizing factors of the Indigo Children. Brilliant memory, a strong urge to live accompanied with sensitivity and god gifted spirits, these children are the New Age Children. They possess both the capability and the potential to change the ambiance of our lives. Thus they are acting as the bridge to our future.
  • The Obesity Epidemic and Juvenile Diabetes  By : Andrew Bicknell
    The increasing obesity epidemic among children today is thought to be a leading cause in the increase in juvenile diabetes in this country today. While not everyone agrees on the causes and affects it is hard to argue with the continuing increase of children with Type 2 diabetes who are also overweight.
  • Five Hundred Million Dollars Pledged To Fight Childhood Obesity Nationally, Including Texas  By : Pat Carpenter
    The New York Times reported, in an April 2007 article, that the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation plans to spend more than $500 million over the next five years to reverse the increase in childhood obesity nationally, including Texas.
  • Kids Yoga: Stress Management Sessions for Children  By : Paul M. Jerard Jr.
    Many children live in single parent households. This has become a painful fact of life for children to accept growing up without both of their parents. The family unit has changed and parents need practical solutions a lot more than criticism or a lecture.
  • Kids Yoga: Enhanced Goal Setting Techniques  By : Paul M. Jerard Jr.
    Have you ever noticed what a monumental task goal setting is for anyone? Some adults have no goals at all. So, why should we expect children to constructively set goals, in the age of attention disorders?
  • Kids Yoga: Dealing with Anger Management  By : Paul M. Jerard Jr.
    How can Yoga help children deal with anger issues? What solutions can Kids Yoga offer to parents and emotional children? Let's take a look at some solutions that your local Yoga teacher will have to offer in a Kids Yoga class.
  • Kids Yoga: A Solution to Global Obesity in Children  By : Paul M. Jerard Jr.
    Two topics that most people are tired of hearing about are obesity and childhood obesity. The problem is we will not find solutions for these problems if we "bury our heads in the sand."
  • The Benefits of Omega 3 Fish Oil For Children  By : Michael Byrd
    People read about the wonderful benefits for children of the omega 3 fatty acids found in fish oil, but there never seems to be any guidelines on when to start.
  • Should Parent Consider A Practical Vitamin Supplements Stuff For Your Infant  By : Eddy Kong WW
    This article is about the various facts and information on how to better consume natural vitamins without ignoring the various side effects that come with it, before it actually damage your organs rather than helping you.
  • Helping Children With Obesity Problems  By : David Fishman
    Obesity in school aged kids is out of control. It is the parent responsibility to establish limits and control the amount of food the child eat, children lack this ability.
  • Healthy Snacks Positive Effects On Kids  By : Alec Moreland
    Why are healthy snacks important? Let's be honest, they don't taste as good. Bottom line, nothing will taste as good at that exact moment as a chocolate bar, ice cream, cinnamon roll, cheese Danish...get the idea?
  • ABC Guide to Avoiding Childhood Obesity  By :
    ABC guides, tips and tricks to avoid childhood obesity.
  • Fish oil and children -The Durham Trials  By : David McEvoy
    Research has revealed that if the brain doesn�t get enough of the right fatty acids, it will use replacement fatty acids which are not ideal and this can have a negative impact on the way the brain functions. Consequently, fatty acid deficiencies are a factor worthy of consideration with regard to learning difficulties and behaviour problems in children.
  • Kids & Healthy Eating  By : Michael Byrd
    What parent doesn't want their kids to eat healthier? We've all had to bribe, cajole, threaten and manipulate our children at least once, but wouldn't it be nice if we didn't have to stoop to such heavy handed tactics? Here are some tips to help you out.
  • Basic Facts About Children and Dieting  By : Wendy Wood
    Recent studies show that 1 out of every 6 children under the age of 13 is overweight. Many people believe that the sedentary nature of our society, combined with the convenience of processed foods has created a dangerous precedence in child nutrition.
  • Mercury Detox For Your Autistic Child  By : Sandra Kim Leong
    Find out what you can do when you suspect that your child is autistic. Is there really no cure?
  • Jaundice in the newborn baby  By : Cecilia Koh
    Brain damage caused by neonatal jaundice is a thing of the past because of advances in medicine but this should not make us complacent and forget the importance of knowing how to recognise and treat it.
  • Diet for Kids  By :
    Helpful tips and strategies to improve eating habits in children.
  • Juvenile Diabetics Get Help from a Fish  By : Michael Byrd
    Sometimes simple solutions rule. Isn't it great when that happens? Well, recent research shows that a simple solution can help prevent juvenile diabetes for millions of children all around the world - and simple salmon is the solution!
  • Protect Your Child From Mr. Germ  By : Janet Winter
    Meet Mr. Germ - a crafty invader targeting everyone from infants to adults. His goal is to make us sick! The cold and flu season is his favorite time of the year, and everyone is a target. Once he finds a 'victim', he can spread his germs from one person to another in a fairly rapid chain reaction.
  • Baby Acne: Never Too Young  By : Matthew Hick
    Have you ever heard of baby acne? Realize that teenagers and adults are not the only people whose faces become sprinkled with blemishes and pimples.
  • Children And Physical Fitness - What Can You Do To Improve The Physical Fitness Of Your Children?  By : Mike Singh
    With the epidemic of overweight people and even children, children and fitness training has become an important topic of interest. While it may not take that much to get children into shape, children and fitness training is something that should be looked at. Learn some simple ways by which you can take an active interest in the fitness levels of your children's lives ...
  • Helping Kids Keep it Healthy  By : Adrian Adams
    Lots of families have a common problem. The little ones just don't want to eat what's good for them! But kids need the correct amount of nutrition every day, especially during those tender years when their bodies and minds are still growing and developing.
  • Is There An Argument Against Immunization?  By : Andi Michaels
    Normally a baby benefits from the antibodies aquired from the mother's immune system. This aquired immunity last for up to 6 months but there comes a point when all parents have to consider having their baby immunized.
  • Trampoline for Your Child: Factors You Must Consider Before You Buy  By : Jill Brennan
    A trampoline is a lot of fun but there is a serious side to bouncing on a trampoline, especially for children, with a high rate of injury. Find out what you need to consider before buying a trampoline for your child.
  • Who's Responsible for Your Child's Health?  By : Michael Byrd
    Could you possibly be sued tomorrow for what you're feeding your child today?
  • The Causes Of Childhood Obesity  By : Nitin Chhoda
    This article explores the problem of childhood obesity in the United States and analyzes some of its causes in an attempt to understand the crises facing the future generations of the United States.
  • Low Carb Snacks That Kids And Adults Will Love  By : Lee Dobbins
    Low carb snacks are healthy and delicious - here are 19 great easy to make snacks that you can send to school with the kids or eat yourself!
  • Toxic Chemicals - What Are We Doing To Our Kids?  By : Jean Shaw
    I was born in the late fifties. In those days it was safe to leave your doors unlocked, leave your bike unattended, play out in the street and talk and accept lifts from strangers.

    It was also a time of RESPECT especially towards parents and anyone older.
  • Coping Strategies To Deal With Type 1 Diabetes In Your Child  By : Khim Lim
    You may feel at a loss should you just find out that your child has been diagnosed with this condition. This article shares some strategies that can help you to cope.
  • Diets For Kids  By : Nitin Chhoda
    This article explains helpful diet strategies for children.
  • Long Live Halloween!  By : Karen Fusco
    The scent of fall is in the air and the colors of the season are gracing our landscapes. Know what that means? Halloween is right around the corner! Children everywhere are counting the weeks until this festive day arrives while parents wonder if their children should be allowed to trick or treat and whether today�s world is safe enough for the Halloween traditions of days gone by.
  • Six Ways to Sneak Health Food Into Your Child's Diet  By : Pat Brill
    If you are a parent, you�re probably all-too-familiar with hearing �eww!�, �ick!�, �I don�t like it!� and �That�s gross!� coming out of your child�s mouth. In fact, getting a child to eat health food can sometimes be as hard as getting a parking space that three other cars are waiting for. If you�re tired of your child�s dietary battles turning into tactical missions and survival-of-the-fittest lessons (or survival of the most stubborn), we�ve got six sneaky ways for you to trick your child into eating health food that you�re absolutely going to love
  • Five Common Parenting Myths  By : Pat Brill
    When it comes to parenting, everyone has some advice to give. Make sure your daughter wears a hat or she�ll catch cold. Make your son clean his plate � it�s good for him. There are an abundance of old wives tails and an endless number of well-intentioned friends and family members who are all too happy to recite them as fact. Since we don�t want you driving yourself nuts figuring out who�s right and who�s wrong, we�re debunking five of the most common parenting myths.
  • Three Reasons Why You Should Never Degrade Your Child  By : Pat Brill
    Have you ever gotten mad at your child? Be honest. No one can answer that question with a �no� and really mean it. When you�ve gotten angry, have you said things you didn�t necessarily mean? Things that may have been hurtful and degrading?
  • To Vaccinate or Not To Vaccinate?  By : Pat Brill
    The question that crosses over parents mind is �should we vaccinate our children or shouldn�t we?� The problem is that there is so much controversy surrounding whether vaccinations are safe or not, a parent can find themselves wondering whether vaccinations are a gift from God or the devil in disguise. So which is it? The answer isn�t always simple.
  • Why ADD Kids Have An Advantage When It Comes To Memorizing  By : Jim Sarris
    Although it sounds crazy, ADD kids can take advantage of their unique ability to make instant associations to help them memorize more easily.
  • What Vitamins Does my Child Need?  By : Nicky Pilkington
    As long as your child is eating a well-balanced meal from the Food Guide Pyramid, they probably do not need any supplement minerals or vitamins.
  • Understanding Childhood Obesity  By : Nicky Pilkington
    Childhood obesity begins in the home. Many parents today want to lay blame on television, McDonalds and game systems for their children being overweight and many to the point of obesity.
  • Chickenpox and your Child  By : Nicky Pilkington
    If you begin to notice your child wakes up one morning with a rash of spots that followed a runny nose and a cough, you are more than likely looking at chickenpox.
  • Halloween - Keeping Your Kids Safe!  By : John Myre
    Halloween is the most dangerous day of the year for kids, according to Prevent Blindness America. The key to safety is developing a Personal Safety Plan for the trick-or-treaters.
  • Mumps and What you can Do  By : Nicky Pilkington
    Mumps is another disease that is caused by a virus. Mumps most often spread through the saliva and can infect several parts of your child's body especially the parotid salivary glands.
  • Growing Pains and your Child  By : Nicky Pilkington
    When it comes to growing pains, your child's doctor is not going to be much help, since they cannot find a medical reason for children to have growing pains.
  • Common Infections and Children  By : Nicky Pilkington
    Children are venerable to all kinds of infections since they enjoy sharing and being close to others. Infections such as the common cold can be annoying problem and often hard to overcome once they have a cold.
  • Medical Care and Children  By : Nicky Pilkington
    All of know that our children need to visit the doctor for regular checkups and when running a fever, but many parents do not know what to do in an emergency type situation.
  • Measles and your Child  By : Nicky Pilkington
    Measles is also called rubeola and is a very contagious respiratory infection that is caused from a virus. Today it is not as common as it once was because we now have a measles vaccine, however, the cases of measles has risen over the last couple of years.
  • Fungal Infections and Children  By : Nicky Pilkington
    Whether you know it or not, fungus is a type of organism that lives on every person all over the world. Most of the time, this organism is harmless, however, when conditions are just right it can cause a fungal infection. Even children can have fungal infections.
  • Diet and Nutrition for Children  By : Nicky Pilkington
    As parents, we know how important it is for our children to eat healthy and receive all the vitamins and nutrients for a healthy body.
  • Starting Early: Strength Training for Children  By : Tom Ambrozewicz
    Bodybilding Tips
  • Fat Consequences In Children  By : Mark Kimathi
    As the world battles with an epidemic that is proving difficult to manage and showing signs of becoming a costly affair, our children are getting caught in the cross fire. Adult onset diabetes, weight loss surgery and weight loss medication for children is not exactly what parent had in mind when planning for their posterity.
  • Is It Baby Acne, Heat Rash, Or Cradle Crap?  By : Rebecca Prescott
    Do you know whether your baby is suffering from baby acne, cradle crap, or heat rash? Find out the characteristics of these conditions, and what the two types of infant acne are.
  • Child Migraine: Early Detection is Vital  By : Sandra Kim Leong
    You may be apt to believe that your child is giving you another excuse for not attending school by complaining of headache pains. But it pays to be alert and to detect early for the well being of your child.
  • What Type Of ADHD Treatment Is The Best?  By : Roosevelt Simmons
    ADHD stands for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and it is a chronic condition that can have a great impact on a child if a child does not get help.
  • Most Common Problems Of Nutrition For Children  By : Rene Graeber
    Most of the parents will do everything to protect their children from any possible harm. Sometimes, however, it is impossible to stay with them 24 hours a day and we can't foresee all dangers they will encounter in their lives. To make matters even worse, children tend to learn faster when they can touch something, not only see it from a distance which makes protecting them almost unfeasible task.
  • Child's Diabetes - 6 Excellent Suggestions for Parents  By : ARINDAM CHATTOPADHYAY
    A diabetic child can lead a normal life. He or she can study, participate in higher education but it requires your active participation.
  • ADHD Improved With Sleep  By : Julian Hall
    There have been many causes and supposed cure which have been attributed to Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD) in children. Along with diet, lack of sleep has been another major contributor.
  • Why Johnny Can't Learn  By : Kat Tansey
    Learning disorders, ADHD, ADD, and Autism have become part of the landscape of childhood. Think back to the time when this was not true. What was different then?
  • There Is Yoga For Kids  By : Charles Cox
    Articles discusses the benefits of teaching yoga to kids.
  • Are Vitamins Important For Children And What Do They Need?  By : Ben Adams
    A look at how important vitamins and supplements are to children, and what parents should know.
  • Is Your Kid's School Lunch A Nutritional Time Bomb?  By : Tracie Johanson
    It's back to school time, and all across the country millions of kids are experiencing their first day of school after a long, lazy summer. Unfortunately for many of America's children, few school supply lists address what may be the most important school supply of all: a healthy lunch.
  • High Levels of Radioactivity Found in American Baby Teeth  By : Minh Nguyen D.D.S.
    In October 1999, the Radiation and Public Health Project (RPHP) released results of high-level radiation in baby teeth in the study called the "Tooth Fairy Project."
  • Dental Challenge for Asthmatic Children  By : Minh Nguyen D.D.S.
    Children between the ages of six and 18 have some kind of adverse reaction after a trip to the dentist. About 15 percent suffer temporary reduced lung function.
  • How Effective Vision Care can Protect Your Child's Eyesight  By : Maureen Cook
    Effective vision care to protect your child's eyesight should begin in the womb. It is common practice for women to take a 400mg supplement of folic acid daily during pregnancy to help avoid the risk of spina bifida in their infant.
  • Toddlers With Diabetes - Tips For Success  By : Mike Herman
    If your child is under the age of two and has been diagnosed with diabetes, know that there are many alternatives and options available that will control this condition and ensure your child has a happy, healthy, and normal childhood.
  • Colic - An Unending Session Of Crying  By : Kevin Pederson
    Colic is a condition which affects infants. In this condition the baby keeps crying for continuous hours. This crying session drags on for more than three hours a day for an entire week.
  • Milk for Your Child's Healthy Mouth  By : Minh Nguyen D.D.S.
    Calcium is important for children's growing bones and healthy mouth. Calcium helps keep the teeth, gums, and jawbones strong.
  • What Can You do to Help Your Overweight Child?  By : Marjorie Salada
    This article contains information on childhood obesity and how you can help your children develop a healthy lifestyle.
  • Treatment Approaches for Bruxism in Children  By : Minh Nguyen D.D.S.
    Bruxism is a destructive habit that may result in severe dental deterioration. It is mandatory to take your child to your dentist for its evaluation.
  • Family Values � 5 Tips on What�s Essential  By : Pat Brill
    With all the media available today, raising children with strong values is certainly a challenge. Young people are receiving a wider diversity of information and images much faster than ever. Still, it is possible to raise children with the strong values and morals that you want them to have and that will stay with them throughout their lives
  • Getting Your Child To Eat Vegetables  By : Kevin Pederson
    Many parents strive to ensure that their children eat vegetables. Some meet with complete success, others with very little success. Veggies contain many vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients that a body needs to main good health and energy. They help protect against the effect of aging and reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease.
  • Obesity in Children  By : Charles Kassotis
    Children with obesity problems are growing in number. Adults have the responsibility to do all they can to curb these problems in order to make children's lives happier and healthier.
  • Protect Your Baby From Diaper Rash  By : Kevin Pederson
    Diapers let parents take their babies out without having to worry about them dirtying their clothes.
  • The Snack Food Industry - Our Children's Secret Adversary  By : Julian Hall
    Is the snack food industry really our children's secret adversary or are we just happy with the easy life. 9 times out of 10, what do we bribe our children with when they misbehave? What do we sometimes carry around with us to keep them quiet in public places? What do we promise them for good behaviour? Drugs, or as they are better known, sugary salty fatty snacks.
  • Is Alternative Medicine Helpful For Children?  By : Emanuele Allenti
    There are many diseases and illnesses that children have which are difficult to treat. They are difficult to treat because it may be harder to administer the conventional treatments to a child or they may refuse to take their medication. This is where alternative medications and treatments come into place.
  • Is It Safe To Use Natural Health Medicine On Toddlers?  By : Emmanuel Aubrey
    Most parents who have toddlers know how often they come home from kindergarten or day care with a runny nose.
  • Vitamins for Kids  By : Charles Kassotis
    Check out these tips for giving your children vitamin and mineral supplements that are purchased over the counter.
  • Healthy eating at fast food places - are you kidding me?  By : Mike Singh
    Is it possible to eat healthfully at a fast food restaurant? The big name chains, such as McDonald's, Wendy's, Burger King, and Taco Bell want you to think so. All of these restaurants offer some type of "healthy" alternative on the menu to entice those who are watching their weight or simply wanting better options. But how healthy are these options? It depends on what you order, of course.
  • Does Your Child Suffer From Autism?  By : Don McKay
    As parents we all want to believe that our children are perfect and we want the very best for them. How would you feel if you learned that your child suffered from Autism? As a parent of three children I am still in denial after learning that my youngest has characteristics in the Autism Spectrum.
  • Helping Our Children Feel Good About Themselves  By : Barbara Holstein
    We have so much influence over the next generation! Lots of times we forget how much influence, as our children or grandchildren can appear to ignore us, forget us or even worse--run from us in o�ne way or another.
  • Baby Sunscreen: The Importance Of Protecting Your Childs Skin  By : Susan Dean
    Using a baby sunscreen or in fact any sunscreen on your child is very important if they are outside. It is preferred that children particularly under 6 months stay out of the sun at all costs. We all know that this is more often than not hard to adhere to for many different reasons. If you do have your baby outside in the sun you must keep him or her fully clothed and apply sunscreen to the exposed areas.
  • Facts about Martial Arts for Kids - Part 4  By : Paul M. Jerard Jr.
    As a parent, you want your child to get the optimum martial arts experience every time they train. This can only happen if the martial arts school establishes clear guidelines for conduct and if all the children participating are "team players."
  • Protect Your Children Against Overexposure to the Sun  By : Rick Hendershot
    It does not take much time in the sun to get a healthy dose of Vitamin D. Overexposure is a much more serious problem.
  • Protect Your Baby - Talc Is Extremely Dangerous  By : John Morris
    Before using body powder on you or your baby, consider that not all body powder products are baby-safe. Body powders as well as baby powders, having talc as main ingredient may do more harm to you and your baby than good.

  • Developing Healthy Eating Habits Amongst Kids  By : Kevin Pederson
    It is quite natural for any child to dislike new kind of food right away. It may take 10 or more tries getting a child to accept a new food. It is essential for parents to behave patiently if you want your child to eat right and healthy. For overall growth and development, parents should offer kids foods from each of the food group.
  • If You Give A Kid A Bran Muffin  By : Stephanie Shank
    Foods that are high in fiber are smart and caring choices for your kids.
  • Natural Health Medicine And Your Child's Health  By : Emmanuel Aubrey
    It is a normal human instinct to want to give the best to our growing children. All parents feel this in one form or the other. That is why you should know what is best for your child's growing body and changing immune system

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