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Articles in Home | Corporate Wellness

  • True Success  By : Saleem Rana
    In Sanskrit, this pursuit of your right work is called "dharma."

    In fact, in the ancient holy books of India, it was advised that it was better to do your own work poorly than to do the work of another well. When you come from a place of love, you create something of beauty in the world. Your love expressed is passion.
    When you find yourself working for a difficult/toxic boss, manager/supervisor/principal you must be cautious. Your well being and future could depend on it..

    Here are a few effective strategies to consider.
  • Finding Personal Purpose at Work  By : Randy Siegel
    Discovering meaning is the business of spirituality, and business needs spirituality more than ever today.
  • Understand Work Stress Burnout And Take Control Today  By : Abbas Abedi
    Symptoms of job stress and how to deal with it.
  • Discover How Yoga can Improve Workplace Safety and Health  By : Paul M. Jerard Jr.
    Even a worker who is disgruntled will realize the benefits of a corporate Yoga program. Yoga also helps employees develop new life skills such as anger management, stress reduction, moderate diet, healthy living, self-esteem, and much more. The truth is: There are so many benefits to be gained by introducing Yoga into the corporate sector that management is "crazy" not to offer it.
  • How to Teach Yoga in the Corporate Marketplace (Part 1)  By : Paul M. Jerard Jr.
    Many Yoga instructors, and Yoga teacher interns, are seeking methods for reaching into the corporate sector. After all, the corporate sector is almost as alluring as a government contract. Yet, there is a mystery surrounding how Yoga teachers should enter the corporate world. Below are some of the most effective ways to establish a strong business as a Corporate Yoga Teacher.
  • How to Teach Yoga in the Corporate Marketplace (Part 2)  By : Paul M. Jerard Jr.
    This prepares you when you talk to the public about what you do. To state: "I teach Yoga classes," is not enough of an explanation - if the person you talk to has a mental picture of Yoga as just a bunch of pretzel poses, displayed by show-offs.
  • Work Stress - 9 Tips for Surviving a Stressful Office Job  By : Christopher Bjork
    This article contains a set of simple instructions on how to effectively use a to-do list to avoid becoming stressed at the office.
  • Little White Lies - Are They Worth The Risk  By : Joe Torrence
    Little White Lies - You know. The ones that everyone does. No one will even find out...will they? What happens if your customer does?
  • Burnout: The Effects Of Unavoidable Job Stress  By : Douglas Hardwick
    Stress seems to be an inevitable part of any job. Even minor things can lead to feelings of stress. For some employees, however, the level of stress experienced goes far beyond the irritation of daily hassles. For some employees, stress builds up until they experience complete occupational burnout.
  • Unearth Your Right Livelihood: Ten Laws for Finding Work that You Love  By : Lisa Rae Sway
    Learn how your life can dramatically improve when you discover a career path that matches your abilities and deepest inner motivations.
  • Taking Breaks at Work for Healthier Hearts  By : Stephanie Ciccarelli
    There are times in your day when sometimes all you need is a break or a distraction to rejuvenate yourself. These little actions can even save your life.
  • Management Qualifications - An Overview  By : CJ Williams
    The article is about management courses, in a specific way that explains the different levels of such courses, what each type of course contains, how each different type and level of course should help you, how it should change you, and also this is about how each type of course is regarded in the world of business and management.
  • Do You Want To Stop Being a Workaholic?  By : Maurine Patten
    There is a need to have balance in your life for good physical, mental, and emotional health. Some people have a difficult time giving themselves a chance to recharege, reflect and be playful. They work long hours and weekends. Take the satisfaction with life scale; discover if you are a true workaholic. Learn what strategies you can use to lead a more balanced life, enhance your sense of well-being and increase your energy.

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