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How to Teach Yoga in the Corporate Marketplace (Part 2)

By: Paul M. Jerard Jr.

The previously mentioned benefits of Yoga, for companies, are just the "tip of the iceberg," when you consider that Yoga also teaches gradual lifestyle changes, exercise as a regular component of life, a moderate diet, anger management, and stress reducing techniques.

For most Yoga teachers, bragging does not come easy. Yet, the public cannot see the obvious benefits of Yoga, unless you point them out. When you decided to become a Yoga teacher, you also decided to educate the public about Yoga.

When Yoga instructors mention these points in their marketing materials, this becomes an offer that defines Yoga's many benefits, instead of supposing that a corporate decision maker knows what Yoga is. When it comes down to it, you should be able to explain the benefits of Yoga in a paragraph and have it etched into your memory.

This prepares you when you talk to the public about what you do. To state: "I teach Yoga classes," is not enough of an explanation - if the person you talk to has a mental picture of Yoga as just a bunch of pretzel poses, displayed by show-offs.

Your letters, to local companies, should be as long as needed, but you should also mention the benefits of having a corporate Yoga program in the first paragraph or two. The decision maker, who reads your letter, will see the benefits, or not, but if you have captured his or her interest, he or she will continue to read.

You could refer potential companies to your Yoga website, as well. However, if you have captured a prospective decision maker's attention, you had better fully explain the benefits of a Corporate Yoga program, while you have captured his or her attention.

I can already hear the complaints, "I wanted to become a Yoga teacher, not a copywriter." If you can talk, you can write. After you write, have your copy proof read, a few times, by someone who is good at it. If you really need a copywriter, feel free to contact me, but please understand that quality copywriting is not cheap.

Let's get back to the types of injuries Yoga workshops can prevent. For office workers, Yoga can help stretch out connective tissues in the wrists, hands, fingers, elbows, shoulders, neck, and back. All of these areas can stiffen up through repetitive motion. Add to this fact, that all of an office worker's muscle groups can become very tense and create backaches, headaches, anxiety, hyper tension, and many more ailments.

Manufacturing companies, with workers who assemble products, also see a multitude of injuries - from industrial accidents to repetitive motion injuries - specific to the job. Yoga instructors can teach how to shift weight properly without injury. Developing awareness, or "living in the moment," can also help reduce accidents.

The fact is, Yoga training is totally beneficial to all workers, regardless of their specific duties. It is the responsibility of Yoga teachers to convey this message to the corporate decision makers and the public. Job opportunities for Yoga teachers are all around us, but we must act in order for the corporate world to react.

� Copyright 2006 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Article Source: http://wellnessarticles.net

Paul Jerard is director of Yoga teacher training at Aura in RI. He's a master instructor of martial arts and Yoga. He teaches that along with fitness. He wrote: Is Running a Yoga Business Right for You? For Yoga students who want to be a teacher. www.yoga-teacher-training.org

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