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Honest Ways To Save Your Marriage Even If Your Spouse Cheated

By: Brandon Hong

So your spouse has cheated, and you are wondering what to do now? If you are interested in trying to work things out, saving a marriage after affair is possible. It has been done many times before, and can happen in your life with some work.

Here are some methods to save and salvage a marriage after an affair:

a) Seek therapy.
Saving a marriage after affair entails a lot of communication, a lot of delving into past situations and relational patterns that resulted in the affair to begin with. To save a marriage an after affair can mean months or even years of regular therapy with a professional marriage counselor, and it should be undertaken by both you and your spouse, together.

b) Make a committment to each other.
Consider your commitment to the work and to each other. Saving a marriage after affair means that both spouses will need to make a permanent, serious decision that they want to stay together, and that they are willing to do the work it takes. To save a marriage after affair is not easy, and can try even the strongest persons' sense of self and emotions. If one or both of your are not totally willing to do the work it takes to stay together, you will likely not succeed in saving a marriage after affair.

c) Rebuild the relationship. After an affair, the relationship is probably pretty much destroyed and possibly hanging on only by a thread. When saving a marriage after affair, it is important to make big changes right now to forge a path toward each other again. Apologies can help, but when it comes to really saving a marriage after an affair, they won't repair the damage that has been done. But seeing some remorse on the part of the cheating spouse can be a first step to real healing down the road.

d) Avoid blame and disrespect. If your spouse has cheated, it is natural to feel anger and sadness, and there will be times when your sense of blame is on High. In the end, though, to genuinely save a marriage after an affair requires the willingness of both spouses to take a step back from blame, retribution, revenge, and guilt trips. The first priority in saving a marriage after your spouse has cheated or had any affair should be to build a path back to each other, where mutual respect and love can be found again. No one said this part is easy, but if saving a marriage after an affair is your aim, it's a necessary part of the journey.

e) Spend time with each other.
To save a marriage after affair isn't a process that can be quickly taken care of in a couple weeks. It will take a lot of time and effort, and hours and hours of talking and listening to each other. There will be rough spots through the process, but if saving a marriage after affair is truly your desire, you can and will find success towards that goal.

Article Source: http://wellnessarticles.net

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