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A Guide on Relationship, Friendship and Love

By: Amit Kheterpal

Man is a social animal has been proved long ago. We started staying together in colonies so as to man always wanted to be in a social setting. Those social settings gave way to varied feelings and emotions. Some of the feelings of love and friendship fostered within these communities. That same thing that our initial homo sapiens did we have today in the form apartments,community complexes,colonies, cities and towns. And everywhere you can see examples of love,friendship and several other relationships foster.

Coming to the fact about love and friendship. These are the two feelings we as human beings always crave for. But it is these two feelings that love and friendship which also give you a maximum amount of pain and hurt. Mostly these feelings result from the mistakes we make when we select our friends. This begets a basic question as to why do we always make wrong selection about love and friendship. Do we become so blind in love that we do not see anything bad about the other person? Do we become that unmindful of all other facts that we see only good in that friendship?

A friendship evolves because we want to have people with similar mindsets be with you. That logic helps you become friends with like minded people. Friends will always have common thoughts and true friends can even read each others thoughts.

Love blooms because of attraction and there is no logical reasoning to love. That is why it is said that love is blind. But as your relationship matures, you share your thoughts with each other and that is where the potential acrimony may lie if you are not careful about it. The reason being that as you become aware of each others thoughts you always want to change the other person viewpoint to match yours. That may not happen so easily and the relationship starts getting affected.Eventually some relationships end because the other person does not want to give in to your demands.

The other reality is that man is a factor of experiences. These experiences keep changing you everyday. That changes can affect your friendship or love as you may see the other person in a different light. It is here that you need to understand how the basic feelings of love and friendship occur and how they blossom. Once you are aware of these physical and mental reasons of love and friendship you will always be careful of what can happen to a relationship.

Article Source: http://wellnessarticles.net

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