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Detoxification Programs for Rheumatoid Arthritis

By: Sandra Kim Leong

Many people suffering from arthritis, especially rheumatoid arthritis, are now opting for detoxification programs to treat their arthritis. Detoxification (detox for short) programs have proved especially effective in treating rheumatoid arthritis.

Rheumatoid arthritis is an auto-immune disease where the body's immune system mistakes one's own body tissues as invaders. Actually, the body's immune system turns against the body primarily due to toxins that get accumulated over a period in time. Besides rheumatoid arthritis, there is another type of common arthritis called osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis does not seem to respond to detox programs as well as rheumatoid arthritis.

Detoxification programs for arthritis work by facilitating detoxification and cleansing of bowels, kidneys, lungs, liver and the blood. Toxic wastes accumulate in our bodies because of various reasons, such breathing in polluted air, smoking, or may be because of improper dietary habits. These toxic wastes cause hormonal imbalance, impaired immune function, nutritional deficiencies and inefficient metabolism.

Because of such complications, a person suffering from arthritis experiences his disease conditions getting worse. The detoxification programs for arthritis target these toxic waste elements present in the body and help the body to eliminate them.

Vegetable Vs Fruit Juice Fasting Program
Juice fasting is probably the easiest detoxification method. Vegetable and fruit juices without their fiber are excellent sources of vitamins, minerals and enzymes. However, experts recommend an arthritis patient to take vegetable juices instead of fruit juices. This is because the high sugar content in fruit juices raises the sugar levels present in the blood with a corresponding increase in the insulin level.

Juices are also convenient since it is easy to drink more of vegetable or fruit juices than you can eat. Moreover, they are easily digestible and thus can effectively combat digestive problems. However, vegetable juicing is not easy. You should take your time and start slowly by drinking only one or two ounces of juice at a time. Over a period, you can build up to consuming at least ten ounces at a time.

How do the Detoxification programs work?
The detoxification programs for arthritis work by providing anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients to the body and by enabling the digestive system and excretory system to eliminate toxins released by the body during metabolism.

Detoxification programs speed up the growth of new cells, which eventually promotes healing. A patient then feels renewed energy surging through his body, starts having clearer thoughts leading to enhanced mental processes and has an overhauled body system.

It is recommended that an arthritis patient starts his detoxification program from the evening of the first day. Here is an example of what a typical detoxification program for arthritis will look like:

Day One

* Evening: A plain dinner is consumed which has a good quantity of green leafy salads.
* Night: Before going to bed, the patient dry brushes his or her skin. This will open the skin pores which are necessary for elimination of toxins.

Day Two

* On rising (day two): Drink one glass of two freshly squeezed lemon juice. In addition to this, you must also take one tablespoon of maple syrup along with 8 oz of pure water. Make sure that the water is filtered but not distilled.
* Mid-morning: Take one glass of cranberry juice. It will help promote the bowel movement.
* Lunch: Take one glass of fresh apple juice.
* Afternoon: Take one cup of herbal tea.
* Dinner: Drink one glass of papaya or pineapple juice. Or you may again take one glass of apple juice. This will enhance the production of beneficial enzymes in your body.
* Night: Take one cup of mint tea or miso soup or hot water. This will help you relax which is a very important part of a detoxification program.

Day Three

* Morning: Now, you can break your fast with fresh fruits and yogurt. During the day, you should take raw foods. You should end the day with a simple low fat dinner.

For better results, you can extend the duration of your detoxification program for arthritis for two or three days more.

However, please note that before you embark on any program, you should always consult with your health practitioner. This is especially if this is the first time you are undertaking a detoxification program for arthritis. Make sure you are feeling generally well before you detoxify.

Article Source: http://wellnessarticles.net

Sandra Kim Leong writes on rheumatoid arthritis. For more tips and resources, please visit www.rheumatoid-arthritis-relief.com.

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