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Healing Osteoarthritis

By: SeniorCenters.com

Osteoarthritis is a long-term disease that usually affects several joints in the body. While any joint can be affected, the the knees, hips, hands and the upper and lower back are common sites. Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis in the elderly. It is sometimes known as degenerative joint disease (DJD) (or, in the back, degenerative disc disease(DDD). Persons with osteoarthritis often experience joint stiffness, swelling, discomfort and pain.

Osteoarthritis is caused by friction acting on the joints over time. Genetic factors. prior injuries, and a history of heavy physical labor or contact sports all seem to contribute to the development of the disease. Osteoarthritis is the most frequent cause of disability in older adults. Osteoarthritis is not an auto-immune condition like rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis. Heat and redness usually do not accompany the joint pain and swelling.

Arthritis treatment is aimed at increasing comfort and flexibility. Low impact exercise programs keep joints flexible. Exercise needs to be done in moderation and with the advice of a physician. Exercise can also elevate mood, decrease pain (over time) and improve memory. It helps you maintain a healthy weight, and being overweight puts extra strain on arthritic joints. Flexibility exercises such as Yoga and Tai Chi can also help the symptoms of osteoarthritis.

Moist heat can relieve joint pain, but in some cases cold packs are preferred. Heat increases blood flow to the area, while cold decreases the blood flow to the area. Patients often try both approaches to see what works best for them. In some cases night time splinting is used to allow the joints and muscles to rest in a normal position while sleeping to help decrease the risk of the joint stiffening into a position that won�t move.

Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) are medications sometimes used to reduce pain and decrease swelling. NSAIDs include the over the counter drugs naproxen and ibuprofen and other drugs prescribed by a doctor. Some patients report that glucosamine and MSM (available over the counter) helps decrease pain and improve joint functioning over time. Some research supports this assertion.

Doctors may inject steroids into joints to give several months of pain relief and improved mobility. These medications can have side effects, and steroid injections are usually not advised more frequently than once every few months.

Alternative treatments such as acupuncture and massage give relief to some. Acupuncture is thought by practitioners to unblock the flow of "chi" (energy) in the body. Western scientists see it differently, but studies show that it can be effective in relieving pain. Massage has also been shown to decrease the symptoms of arthritis. Physical therapists use other treatment modalities that benefit some patients.

Joint replacement surgery is sometimes used when the joints have degenerated to the point that the person has difficulty walking. The goal of surgery is to improve the patient's mobility and decrease pain. Less radical surgery is sometimes used to correct problems in arthritic joints.

Stronger drugs, such as narcotics, are sometimes used when there is severe pain accompanying the arthritis. Other pain management approaches can also be helpful, including biofeedback, relaxation and hypnosis. As we get older most of us will develop some osteoarthritis. A patient with osteoarthritis will likely have some pain for the rest of his or her life. The goal is usually to help them have a good life even though they always have some pain.

Article Source: http://wellnessarticles.net

Find out more senior health information at SeniorCenters.com. You can also search for Nursing Homes and Adult DayCare in your area.

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