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Articles in Home | Food & Nutrition | Vegetarians

  • Getting Started As A Vegetarian  By : Anthony Stai
    As a vegetarian, you will eat healthier and possibly live happier. But, how do you get started? It's not as easy as many think.
  • Facts About Being a Vegetarian  By : Scott Meyers
    A vegetarian is defined as one who does not eat any kind of meat, including poultry and fish. Are you considering being a vegetarian? It means a change in lifestyle as well as knowing how to be healthy while keeping faithful to this diet.
  • Vegans At Risk Of Vitamin B12 Deficiency  By : MIKE SELVON
    Vegetarians and vegans often claim to have healthier eating habits than meat eaters. In many ways, this is true, but there are certain risks associated with a diet that does not include any animal products.
  • Vegetarian Bodybuilding: Can Vegetarians Be Bodybuilders  By : Mike Parker
    Vegetarian bodybuilding is possible and has been in existence for a long time. Many bodybuilding greats have done it while being vegetarians. Vegetarian bodybuilding is healthy, effective and natural way to grow muscles.
  • Why People Become Vegetarians  By : Kim Novak
    Many nonvegetarians ponder what drives vegetarians to give up meat and adopt an entirely different lifestyle. There is no single answer to this question. Nonvegetarians become vegetarians for a number of different reasons - some even for multiple reasons.
  • 36 Years as a Vegetarian in the Midwest  By : Michael Dappert
    Tofu, whole wheat flour, soymilk. You can buy these products in lots of regular grocery stores today. It was different 30 years ago.
  • Know Where To Get Quality Vegetarian Vitamin Supplement facts  By : Eddy Kong WW
    This article is about various facts of where to find good quality vegetarian vitamin supplement and its usefulness to the human body.
  • Protein In Vegetarian Diets  By : Colin Didcott
    Information on protein and its role in vegetarian diets
  • Does It Help Being A Vegetarian?  By : Kevin Pederson
    Many people experience boredom while on a vegetarian diet and to many it is not the tastiest option. Even though a vegetarian diet has numerous health benefits, it could result in some mineral and vitamin deficiencies if it is not planned cautiously.
  • Low Carbohydrate Foods for Vegetarians  By : Lee Dobbins
    Low carb vegetarian foods can be tasty and nutritous and can be a staple to any diet.
  • How To Make Your Vegetarian Menu Irresistible  By : Heather Colman
    When you first think about changing your diet from a traditional diet to a vegetarian diet, it may be confusing. You are changing the dietary habits that have been with you your entire life.
  • Is Vegetarianism Right For You  By : Owen Walcher
    Just because someone is vegetarian does not mean they are healthy. This is because some vegetarians cut out eating animal meat and continue eating a lot of junk food. Because they don't satisfy their hunger with plenty of protein and fiber they often have cravings and overindulgences with high-sugar, high-fat, and empty calories.
  • Eating Low on The Food Chain: Vegetarianism  By : Barney Garcia
    Vegetarianism is becoming more and more popular. Some people chose to become vegetarian because of health issues, animal right issues or they simply don't enjoy the taste of meat. There are several types of vegetarians which include semi vegetarians, who still eat meat, but eat meat and all animal products in small amounts.
  • What Are The Benefits Of Becoming A Vegetarian?  By : Gregg Hall
    As a prospective vegetarian, you probably question whether or not it really matters if you stop eating meat. You might wonder how much of a difference one additional vegetarian can make.
  • 7 Reasons To Become Vegetarian/Vegan  By : Julian Hall
    There are many benefits to taking on a vegetarian lifestyle.
  • 5 Steps To Becoming Vegetarian?  By : Julian Hall
    Meat eating can become habitual to many of us so the thought of stopping maybe too much to bear, but these 5 simple steps will make it whole process much easier.
  • Is a Vegetarian Diet Safe for My Child?  By : Nicky Pilkington
    If you are a vegetarian parent you have probably considered putting your child on a vegetarian diet. Not only would it save you time and make meal planning easier, but for dietary reasons or ethical reasons you may believe it is the best choice for your child.
  • Can My Child Be Safe on a Vegetarian Diet?  By : Daniel Lesser
    If you are a vegetarian parent you have probably considered putting your child on a vegetarian diet. Not only would it save you time and make meal planning easier, but for dietary reasons or ethical reasons you may believe it is the best choice for your child.
  • Benefits Of Brussel Sprouts  By : Kevin Pederson
    Brussel Sprouts are very important nutritionally because they have a long season and are one of the top providers of vitamin C, a cupful weighing 100g (4oz) will give, when raw, over 100mg of vitamin C, which is more than twice as much as the same weight of orange.

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