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  • Lubricants For The Modern Woman  By : G.Entp13
    Natural lubricant is produced from the glands that surround the vagina, but in the modern age, as women are becoming more sexually expressive the use of artificial lubricants has become popular.
  • 5 Reasons You Should Go Camping  By : Ben Watson
    It's uninterrupted, family time. Get away from the work phones, computers, televisions and video games. Spend quality time together with your family/friends without outside distractions. Play board and card games. Tell interesting 'when I was a kid' stories. Learn something new about each other. Bond.
  • The Bug Stops Here  By : mcomo
    With the growing concern for West Nile Virus and Lymes disease, more people are spraying and lathering on insect repellent. Most commercial repellents contain harmful chemicals that must be used with extreme caution. Someone shared a story that occurred when she was on vacation at the beach. A parent used an insect repellent with DEET on her 2 year old child. The child went unconscious within minutes of application and was rushed to the hospital where she was later revived. This child was lucky, for other have died from it. Keep in mind, whatever you put on your skin ends up in your bloodstream. The famous estrogen, birth control and nicotine patch have proven that beyond a doubt.
  • Hawaii, The Paradise Of The Pacific  By : GDTECHINDIA
    Hawaii is a state of United States comprising an archipelago of the Hawaiian Islands in the central Pacific Ocean. The erstwhile known as the Sandwich Islands, the Hawaiian Islands became the U.S. territory in 1900.
  • Pack your luggage & have fun on Honeymoon!!!  By : GDTECHINDIA
    A honeymoon is a orthodox trip taken by newlywed couples to celebrate their marriage. Homemoon is an occassinon to know your better half. In current scenrio a newlyed couple wants to spend their personal time on those places where they found calm and peace.
  • Organic Bath Soaps  By : rateempire
    Rather than soaping up your body with harsh chemicals why not take time to learn why organic bath soaps is becoming the number one choice for American's. These organic bath soaps come from natural resources. The soaps and bath products will offer you protection for your skin.
  • A Glimpse of the Past Through Baton Rouge Historic Homes  By : Bryan Murphy
    The historic homes of Baton Rouge are one of the city's most popular tourist attractions. They are a testament to the magnificent Southern architecture of its time, and provide clues to the rich culture of the South.
  • Busy Traveler? You Can Fit Exercise into your Trips! - Part 3  By : Dwayne Garrett
    Hopping in and out of planes is exercise enough, you say. But that's not the kind of exercise that will condition your heart, make your reflexes and joints more fluid, keep the sugar levels or keep you from swinging from one mood to another!
  • Do Natural Health Spas Really Work For You  By : Reed Langdon
    Try a health spa and you will never be the same.Take some stress out of life, and enjoy every magic minute
  • Found - The Time Lost in the Commute  By : marie mastria
    Time passes whether you do something with it or not, so why not make the most of it? Commuting time well spent can give you back the time you thought you had to give up to commute to and from work.

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