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Articles in Home | Women's Health | Pregnancy

  • Pregnant? Give Your Unborn Child Omega 3 DHA Safely - Study Has Interesting Results  By : Lois Smithers
    A recent study reported in England's, The Lancet, of 11,875 pregnant women studied, the children of those who consumed more fish (More than 12 ounces a week- the equivalent of 2 or 3 fish meals), had higher levels of cognitive ability, pro-social behavior, better motor and verbal skills.
  • Aromatherapy For Pregnant Women  By : Abhishek Lodha
    The art of healing with the use of essential oil massage is known as Aromatherapy. Aromatherapy is a well known method of natural healing. The oil massage used in aromatherapy is extracted from aromatic plants and herbs and used to treat and balance the body, mind and soul of an individual. The aromatherapy benefits are known since ages; the name 'aromatherapy' was first coined in ancient France.
  • Two Languages & A Baby  By : Jackie Durnin
    Two questions I get asked regularly are:
  • Pregnancy Exercise Guide  By : David Elliott
    Many women enjoy a healthy lifestyle that includes regular work out and a balanced eating. It can be difficult to keep up that lifestyle when she becomes pregnant, particularly throughout the later stages.
  • What are the Symptoms of Gestational Diabetes?  By : Andrew Bicknell
    Gestational diabetes is a condition in which a pregnant woman suffers from higher then normal blood glucose levels. For the majority of women there are no noticeable symptoms of gestational diabetes and they are unaware that they have this condition until they are tested.
  • Acupressure for Labor: An Effective Natural Method for Inducing Labor and Managing Pains during Chil  By : Lena Leino
    Labor acupressure is a natural way to bring on labor and delivery. It's safe for the mother and the baby because no pharmaceuticals are being introduced into the body. Additionally acupressure manages labor pains, without the fear that the labor would slow down. Mothers who have used acupressure during childbirth have been incredibly satisfied with this natural method.
  • The Truth About Pregnancy Depression  By : Joseph J. Wood
    Being pregnant is a great time for most women. They are so excited to be on their way to giving birth to the child of their dreams and they are very happy to have their dreams finally come true. However some women have a hard time dealing with the stress of being pregnant and go through bouts of pregnancy depression during their term.
  • Are Saunas Good For Pregnancy?  By : Amy Nutt
    Saunas are usually treated as relaxants and stress busters. Women who are accustomed to using saunas before pregnancy are not sure whether or not to continue using saunas after they find that they are pregnant.
  • Coping With Postpartum Depression  By : Joseph J. Wood
    There are many women that have are coping with postpartum depression at some point in their life. This is something that they have to deal with and are able to get the help that is needed for an effective life ahead of them.
  • Healthy Foods for Pregnant Women  By : Michelle Van Otten
    Healthy foods for pregnant women are vital to a safe and comfortable pregnancy. Learn more about eating well while expecting.
  • The Effects of Postpartum Depression and the Monster It Is  By : Faye B. Roberts
    One in ten women suffer from Postpartum Depression after childbirth. The effects of postpartum depression can be very severe and is not the same as having baby blues, which is a typical reaction to child birth.
  • Pregnancy: The Dos And The Don'ts  By : Tywford Lamai
    The U.S. Department of Agriculture cautions pregnant women to stay away from eating unpasteurized soft cheeses, other unpasteurized dairy products, lunch meat or hotdogs - unless cooked.
  • Pregnancy Tip: 3 Invaluable Tips For Achieving A Healthy Pregnancy  By : Tywford Lamai
    At the end of this article, you would have discovered 3 very important tips that will help you maintain - from start to finish - a healthy pregnancy!
  • Pregnancy and Three Strands of Faith, Hope and Love  By : Dave Pipitone
    Learning that a woman is pregnant with an unborn baby is one of life's most beautiful events. Pregnancy is a time when mom and dad share a marvelous task to bring their child into the world feeling appreciated and wanted. Read more how parents can connect spiritually with God, each other and their baby during pregnancy...
  • Practising Iyengar Yoga During Pregnancy  By : Rebecca Prescott
    What are the benefits to doing Iyengar yoga during pregnancy? Find out what to expect from pregnancy classes, and more.
  • Pregnancy Issues: Are You Losing Your Hair While Pregnant Or After Delivery?  By : Tywford Lamai
    Guess what? It has been medically proven that a pregnant woman's body would rather nurture her baby than her hair! Thus, the major cause of this condition is an acute shortage of much-needed minerals and vitamins, her body and her ever-changing hormones.
  • Cord Blood Donation: Decision During Pregnancy Can Save Someone�s Life  By : Alvin Toh
    Cord blood is the blood that remains in the umbilical cord and placenta after childbirth. It contains stem cells that can differentiate into many types of cells in the body. Umbilical cord blood stem cells hold significant potential in treating life threatening diseases and conditions, including cancer. They are able to regenerate immune system and replace damaged or diseased cells.
  • Fitness Finesse for New Mothers Post Natal Exercises  By : Wendy Wood
    While many new moms want to emulate celebrities and return to their pre-pregnancy figures as quickly as possible, it is important to remember that pregnancy and birth take an enormous toll on your body.
  • Genital Warts and Pregnancy  By :
    Learining the precautions and properties of genital warts during pregnancy can help prevent any accidental health issues with your newborn.
  • Preventing Morning Sickness Could Be Easier Than You Think.  By : Steven Luzern
    What you�re going to read about preventing morning sickness will probably surprise you. In fact, it�s so revealing you might even have trouble believing it.

    But, I�m prepared (as with any claim I make) to back-up what I�m about to reveal to you regarding preventing morning sickness with a live public demonstration.

    So let�s get started and discover something amazing about preventing morning sickness...
  • How Yoga Positions For Fertility Can Help Couples Conceive  By : Rebecca Prescott
    Whilst it's not surprising to hear yoga devotees talk about how beneficial it is for conception, the support of a Harvard study is. Find out how asanas can benefit couples having trouble conceiving, and a little about some of the poses involved.
  • Pregnancy Tips for Fibromyalgia Sufferers  By : Hailey Harris
    This article walks sufferers of fibromyalgia through the ins and outs of pregnancy and fibromyalgia. It discusses ideas for relief through pregnancy as well as questions to talk to your doctor about.
  • Pregnancy - Lactation and Motherhood in Weakened Immune System with Tooth Infections.  By : Sung Lee, and George Meinig D.D.S
    Pregnancy -Lactation and Motherhood. Among those we considered not susceptible to illness, the percentage of men and women is quite evenly divided. As susceptibility increases,this changes from 50-50 to 93 percent of female having strong inheritance factors and only seven percent for males.
  • Pregnancy, fish oil and smarter babies  By : David McEvoy
    According to a recent study which was published in the �Archives of Disease in Childhood� in 2006, babies born to women who took fish oil supplements during the last 4 months of pregnancy had better hand to eye coordination, were better speakers and could understand more at the age of two and a half, than babies born to mothers who were given olive oil instead.
  • 139 Pregnancy Fitness DVD  By : Ronald Piper
    Stay Fit While You?re Pregnant, with a Pregnancy Fitness DVD!

    So, you?re pregnant, and committed to giving your baby the best of everything. You can start by staying fit and healthy exercising with a pregnancy fitness DVD! Everyone knows that healthy moms give their babies the best start in life by eating right, exercising, and getting good prenatal care.
  • Postnatal 'confinement' food Part 2  By : Cecilia Koh
    Eating the right food during the postnatal period is very important amongst eastern cultures but unfortunately this information is almost lost in the process of modernisation and lack of the nuclear family. Many newly delivered mothers are at a loss on what to eat so this article aims to provide the necessary information on traditional confinement food.
  • How Acid Reflux and Indigestion in Pregnancy Should be Treated  By : chris kuhns
    There several reasons why pregnant women are more likely to get heartburn than others. First off, when you are pregnant, your hormone levels are much different than when you are not pregnant.
  • Postnatal 'confinement' food Part 1  By : Cecilia Koh
    Eating well is important at any time in our life but this is even more important during pregnancy and the immediate postnatal period because the new mother has to provide the correct nourishment for herself and her baby. This article aims to help the mother understand the type of food to eat and what to avoid for optimal health.
  • Old Wives Tales in Pregnancy - What Should You Believe?  By : Eva Moffat
    There are many Old Wives Tales involving pregnant women. What is the new mother to believe? Here is help with common problems regarding what she should be eating and what is bad for her and her unborn baby.
  • Pregnancy Nutrition Diet, Health Mens Issue Also  By : Azzam Sheikh
    As a family, the conception of a baby is an event that affects both the mother and the father. Often, the focus is primarily on the mother naturally.
  • Eating Healthy During Pregnancy  By : Martin Pavion
    Eating Healthy During Pregnancy
  • Golf During Pregnancy  By : Janet Strain
    Pregnancy is a delicate phase of any woman�s life but being active and keeping fit during pregnancy is beneficial. In all cases, though, consult your physician or gynecologist before considering any exercise or sport.
  • Superfoods for a Super Pregnancy  By : Gaetane Ross
    Pregnancy is a wonderful time in your life. It can also be very taxing and exhausting for your body, mind and spirit at times. But by nourishing your body with these great superfoods, you'll be energized, strong, and sharp, and ready to welcome your pending bundle of joy healthy and happy.
  • Fish Oils - Can You Give Birth To Smart Babies Safely?  By : Rebecca Prescott
    Fish oils have received a lot of publicity with regards their benefits to adults, but few pregnant women are aware of how important they are for the health of their growing babies. Learn more about the risks and benefits to children here.
  • Are Antidepressants Safe During Pregnancy  By : Andi Michaels
    Being pregnant can be a wonderful time in your life, but it can also be a cause for concern and worry if you're a woman taking antidepressants. Women are constantly counselled to avoid medication during pregnancy, but stopping antidepressant medication can be very dangerous to do.
  • 9 Tips For Preventing Stretch Marks During Pregnancy  By : Allan Wilson
    One major cause of stretch marks are from a pregnant body. The skin can only stretch so far without damaging. Thus, when baby stretches too far, the stretch marks are forever imprinted, or so you thought.
  • Ortho Tricyclen Birth Control Pill  By : Olivia Andrews
    Are you looking for the right birth control pill that gives you a high level of effectiveness and low level of hormones? How about Ortho Tricyclen tablets which gives you shorter, lighter, and more predictable periods.
  • Alesse Oral Contraceptive Pills  By : Olivia Andrews
    Alesse oral contraceptives are highly effective means to control the unwanted pregnancy. Alesse oral contraceptives consist of synthetic forms of two hormones produced naturally in the body and the fluctuating levels of these hormones plays an important role in fertility which helps to avoid unwanted pregnancy among women.
  • Choosing Pilates Videos for Pregnancy  By : Shelley Green
    Are you thinking about using Pilates videos for pregnancy? Taking a class or would like to find out a little more information? Well I have written this article with you in mind. I hope that you find it useful.
  • Morning Sickness : Causes and Cures  By : Simone Butler
    Morning sickness is a feature of most women's pregnancies. What causes it, and what can you do to get through it?
  • Pregnancy and Dieting Healthy Options For Two  By : Patricia Zelkovsky
    Women who consume nutritious foods and stay away from identified dangers have the propensity to experience fewer problems throughout pregnancy and during the stage of giving birth are apt to give birth to bigger, stronger babies. Nutritionally high diet is crucial in accomplishing your future health as well as your baby's.
  • Discover 3 Natural Remedies For Morning Sickness  By : David Silva
    Because of concerns for the baby, more and more women are turning to natural remedies for their morning sickness.
  • Do You Have to Be Pregnant to Need a Body Pillow?  By : Nick Preston
    A body pillow is most certainly a pregnant girl's best friend, especially in the latter months of pregnancy. Don't be misled to think that carrying a small child in your belly is a prerequisite for needing a body pillow. So how do you know if a body pillow is going to benefit you or someone you love?
  • Taking Care of Your Fertility: Being Aware of Your Fertility  By : Chelsea Aubin
    Understanding your body's normal, natural functioning to decide when you are most likely to fall pregnant can dramatically aid in your fertility.
  • Is Pilates During Pregnancy Safe?  By : John Morris
    Countless people enjoy doing Pilates as a form of low impact exercise, but many women that become pregnant have to immediately re- evaluate all of their physical activity on account of their pregnancy...
  • Sex And Pregnancy From A Womans Point Of View  By : Shayla Moore
    Let's get one thing clear, there's no such thing as 'normal' when it comes to your feelings! Every woman will feel differently about sex and intimacy during her pregnancy, and if you feel a certain way then 9 times out of 10 do what you want (or don't want) to do.
  • Pregnancy Headaches  By : Sandra Kim Leong
    Pregnancy headaches can start for some women but reduced for others. Learn how hormones and other pregnancy symptoms affect women, especially in their first and third trimesters.
  • Aromatherapy During Pregnancy  By : Tracey Mumford
    Care and attention must be taken when using aromatherapy in extraordinary conditions such as pregancy.
  • How You Can Avoid Acne Playing Havoc With Your Pregnancy  By : Louise Forrest
    You have just been given some great news and are completely blown away. You are pregnant and delighted beyond words. Now you can have the baby you have been longing for! Your mind goes into overdrive as you visualize all that you are going to do with your baby.
  • Hooray for Home Births  By : Julian Hall
    This week the national UK newspapers announced that mothers who decide to have home births are putting their babys lives at risks. For the first time, doctors and midwives will be ordered to tell women that giving birth in their own homes could be riskier than in hospital.
  • Acupuncture During Pregnancy  By : Jonathon Hardcastle
    Acupuncture is the ancient Chinese method of using tiny needles to stimulate specific areas or "meridians" of the body and to rebalance the body's energy, or chi.
  • Acne During Pregnancy  By : Richard Sutter
    Acne poses some problems during pregnancy, at which time changing hormones in the female body can cause changes in the skin oils.
  • Is Herbal Tea Safe During Pregnancy?  By : Steven Broffman
    Herbal tea is a popular beverage these days, but is it safe to drink during pregnancy?
  • Yoga and Pregnancy  By : Mike Herman
    If you're pregnant and are already in yoga classes, don't be afraid to take a break from your current classes or to take a class that is less strenuous.
  • Pillows and Pregnancy  By : Charles Kassotis
    Learn about different ways to ease the discomfort of pregnancy with pillows.
  • Getting Pregnant - How to Improve your Fertility  By : Stephen Todd
    Are you finding it difficult to become pregnant? If so you can do many simple things to improve your chances of conception, the way we live can have a big effect on the reproductive system of both men and women.
  • Varicose Veins And Pregnancy  By : Kevin Pederson
    Spider or varicose veins are small unsightly clusters of red, bluish veins commonly appearing on the thighs, calves, and ankles. These tiny broken blood vessels are fairly visible as they appear just below the skin surface.
  • Acne and Skin Changes in Pregnancy  By : Kevin Pederson
    All thanks to hormones your complexion may act up to during pregnancy. If you have had clear skin all along, pimples, acne, etc seems like unwanted guests.
  • The Importance Of Nutrition For Parents & Children  By : Julian Hall
    They are beautiful, energetic, entertaining and they continually teach us as they grow and learn. Who are they? Your children, and second to the gift of life, the next greatest gift you can give them is good health through nutrition. As they grow you will realise that, try as you might, you won't be able to protect them from every bad influence in this world.
  • Benefits Of Yoga For Pregnancy  By : Kevin Pederson
    Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful things many women want to go through and are going through. It is something which many women look forward too and with the increasing joy there is also fear factor. Fear about your baby's health, a smooth delivery, mood swings, fatigue, morning sickness, constant craving for strange items, increasing weight and overall the feeling about pregnancy can be overwhelming.
  • Yoga Exercises For Pregnant Women  By : Mike Singh
    Did you know that yoga is recommended for pregnant women? Read on to find out which exercises will they derive the greatest benefit from ...
  • Pregnancy Acne - A Quick Remedy Guide  By : Carlie Edwards
    If you're experiencing pregnancy acne this is normal and the cause is the increase in your hormones. There is a safe treatment for women with pregnancy acne, read on...
  • Stretch Marks And Skin Changes in Pregnancy  By : Kevin Pederson
    There are countless physical changes to your skin, both pleasurable and painful attributed to your pregnancy only.
  • Tips For a Healthy Pregnancy  By : James Hunt
    When you're pregnant you need to pay close attention to what you eat so that you get the most nutrition as you can from the foods that you include in your diet...
  • Massage For Expectant Moms  By : Kevin Pederson
    Pains and aches are part and parcel of every pregnancy. Physical discomfort, muscular tensions, headaches, backaches, pains occur due to increase in weight, shifting posture and hormone levels. Pre natal massages aim to improve circulation, alleviate aches and pains, eases muscular tensions and other pregnancy related symptoms, perking up expectant mother's mood and mental attitude.
  • How Can Natural Health Medicine Help You During Pregnancy?  By : Emmanuel Aubrey
    When you are pregnant, you are constantly worried about your growing baby's health and your own health. Investing in natural health medicine can help you reach those goals that are vital to your health and the health of your child.
  • Aromatherapy and Pregnancy  By : Lorna Findlay
    Aromatherapy is a natural healing science employing essential oils extracted from aromatic plant sources to treat and balance the body, mind and spirit. During pregnancy, aromatherapy can prove to be extremely beneficial and helpful alternative, while also being very easy to employ and use.

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