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  • The Divine Heart: Inspiration, Love, Wisdom & Guidance  By : Joe Hurley
    The Divine Heart is an inspirational article by Joe Hurley that details the magic of moving beyond struggle and effort into a place of heart wisdom and pure unconditional love.
  • Is the Law of Attraction a New Age Myth?  By : Mike Jennings
    The Secret DVD and the Law of Attraction are currently popular topica on which people have polarized opinions - is the Law of Attraction fact or fiction?
  • What is a Tarot Cards Signifier  By :
    A tarot Card signifier, also known as a significator, is one card chosen from the pack to represent the querent (person you are reading for)...
  • Numerology & Personal Month Number  By : Abhishek Lodha
    Numerology is the study of the occults with number that reflects an individual's basic characteristic traits, his hidden talents, powers, inspiration and his path of life. With the help of numerology the letters of a particular alphabet can also be represented by certain numbers. The sum of the numbers of your name and also that of your date of birth bears certain cosmic vibrations.
  • Numerology & Your Subconscious Self  By : Abhishek Lodha
    The Greek philosopher Pythagoras first discovered Numerology. Numerology is the most ancient form of science. This has inculcated a belief within us since the past decades, that numerology or the 'number magic', to a great extent reveals our motives and opportunities.
  • Numerology and Your Inner Desires  By : Abhishek Lodha
    To be truly happy in life, first of all we need to fulfill our dreams and desires. But how many of us know the minute details of ourselves and as to what we want to achieve. Well, Numerology can help us do so. All we need to do is to just calculate our heart's desire number!
  • Numerology & Personal Day - Which Is The Auspicious Day?  By : Abhishek Lodha
    Did you ever have a day when you did everything correctly? Nothing went wrong for you. The day when you made your presentation, handled your clients, interviewed for the job or satisfied your boss with your best output perfectly fantastically; whatever you did everything just clicks!
  • Numerology and Your Birthday  By : Abhishek Lodha
    The study of numerology is as old as history. Various systems of this study have evolved in different forms in different countries since the ages. Even though the subject and its study have a long history, it still remains a matter of prolonged and bitter controversy whether it has any scientific basis or not.
  • Numerology and Your Destiny  By : Abhishek Lodha
    The study of numerology is as old as history. Various systems of this study have evolved in different forms in different countries since the ages. Even though the subject and its study have a long history, it still remains a matter of prolonged and bitter controversy whether it has any scientific basis or not.
  • Enneagram - The Nine Personalities  By : Abhishek Lodha
    Freud was once asked to define the elements of a fulfilling life; he answered, "To love and to work." A couple of generations have passed by, since then, and now it is being observed that Freud did give the most compact and appropriate answer. Now, we indeed devote most of our time and energy to matters of the heart and the mind; most of our joys and sorrows concern our relationships and career.
  • Gemstones and Diseases  By : Abhishek Lodha
    Across the universe everybody is suffering from some disease or the other. Now, the diseases may be chronic or infectious or a lifelong disease. Pills and medicines may or may not be available for the cure of such diseases. As human beings we do have a kind of traditional faith in astrology and its various branches.

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