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  • Why You Should Acquire Specialised Knowledge When Applying For Jobs  By : TJHowell
    To be successful in any chosen career or objective you require a specialized knowledge of the relevant subject. To have an all round good general knowledge is great but it does not necessarily mean you can reach your potential in your chosen profession. To get the best out of yourself your knowledge needs to be specific to a certain field or niche and needs to be supported by a definite plan that is focused on achieving certain goals.
  • Find Happiness in 2008  By : Faye Hollands
    If you're like most people your 2008 new years resolutions probably involve creating a 'new you'. Perhaps you want to lose weight, stop smoking, find a new partner, or carve out an exciting new career for yourself. However, have you actually ever planned to be happy? Follow this five-step 'Perky Plan' and you'll inject some happiness into your life.
  • Be A �Should Buster!�  By :
    Are you �shoulding� others and yourself? Do you realize how inappropriate and hurtful that usually is? That is because the word �should� implies that if you do, or do not act, think, feel, or say something, you are not okay. That message hurts everyone�s self-esteem. It also hooks the rebellious part of us, and we are likely to react in a passive or active aggressive way.
  • Achieve Clarity and Avoid a Common Goal Setting Mistake  By : May Chew
    Lack of clarity is the most common goal setting mistake that people make. Most people set goals from the situation they are in. It is important to take a step backward and looked at things from a bigger perspective. Ask yourself. Is this the job or task you really love? Secondly, ground your goals in your deepest values. When you combine the 2, you would have a powerful combination that is unstoppable.
  • Deliberate Creators Use The Law Of Attraction  By : Michael McGrath
    The Law of Attraction brings us more of what we focus on. What we focus on is determined by how we feel. And how we feel is determined by what we think. Therefore attracting more of what you want in life should be easy � just change how you think! So why do so many people find this so hard to do?
  • The Butterfly Effect & Personal Development  By : Michael McGrath
    Have you ever heard of The Butterfly Effect? Do you know that the basic science behind it can be used to dramatically change your life with very little effort? Let me show you how.
  • How to Stop Negative Thinking and Apply the Law of Attraction  By : Marcy Richards
    Know that your soul will guide you to which feeling needs be released the most and the order of which to release them. Know also, that releasing stored up "negative memories with emotions" does not involve experiencing the pain associated with that "negative memory and emotion", you've already experienced that.
  • 5 To-Do's Before A Job Interview  By : Melanie Szlucha
    The week and night before a job interview all candidates feel panicked, thinking they should do something to prepare, but not knowing exactly what to do that would actually be constructive. Here are 5 simple, focused steps that will help prepare for the seemingly unpreparable, and help all candidates lose that "sitting duck" feeling.
  • Fear of Change  By : Johnny Morney
    Facing your fears will be one of the toughest things you will ever do. But I promise you it will also be one of the most exhilarating and rewarding things you will ever do.
  • Don't Get Your Values Screwed Up  By : Stan the Mann
    Keep your priorities/values in front of you.
  • Unlocking The "Genius Within You"  By : Susan Carlson
    Tap into your "Intuitive Genius." Everyone has the natural ability to use their intuitive skills to create more success and happiness. In our hearts we always know the best choices to make, but our intellectual programming gets in the way. iI's just easier to listen to your mind vs. listening to your heart. The solution is to learn how to be masterful at following your heart. That's where you will find your "Intuitive Genius."
  • How To Choose The Right Goals To Focus On  By : Raymond Burton
    When it comes to setting and accomplishing your goals, often the first step is deciding exactly what goals you want to accomplish. Sometimes picking the actual goals you want to go after is harder than setting and accomplishing the goals themselves.
  • Creating a Prosperity Mindset  By : Bob Kish
    Keys to creating a prosperity mindset or consciousness for those looking to attract abundance and create wealth in their life.
  • Intuitive Problem Solving  By :
    �What am I to do?� Do you have a tendency to feel stressed as you think about all the possibilities? Once you finally made a decision, do you then wonder if you made the right choice? If you are like me, you weigh everything, see both sides, and find it difficult to make decisions. For my sanity and reduction of stress that causes dis-ease, I fortunately discovered a better way. I call it Intuitive Problem Solving.
  • The Ten Commandments Of Leadership  By : Gary Crow
    There are many behaviors and approaches that enhance your ability to work successfully with people, especially if you are in management or supervision. As you know, they also work well within families, with your friends, and as you participate in your community. You are up-to-speed with the latest and greatest strategies and techniques. What you may not know are the ten commandments of leadership. This article brings them to you.
  • The Three Pillars of Self Confidence  By : Joe Czarnecki
    This article describes the three main ingredients necessary to obtaining true self confidence. The combination of education, experience and faith will increase your confidence in all areas of your life. This article explains where to start and what to expect as you develop your self confidence in your career, relationships and physical appearance.
  • Law of Attraction - Anger - Introspection and Knowing Yourself  By : Aldian Prakoso
    Every morning for the next week before you start your day, go to your bedroom, close the door, and pile all your pillows in the center at the head of the bed. Kneel on the bed with the pillows in front of you. Bow gently to your inner self and to the Universe. Then start beating the living daylights out of the pillows.
  • Don't Just Do Something, Stand There!!!  By : Kate Loving Shenk
    The Healing Presence Requires A Being Vs A Doing-ness.
  • How Does Law of Attraction Work?  By : Aldian Prakoso
    First, the law is impartial and impersonal. In other words, it doesn't have a dog in the fight. It just wants to send you more of whatever it is you desire and are expecting without judgment. The law beckons, what would you have me manifest? Think it, feel it, believe it, expected it, and it shall be yours. How simple is that?
  • Law of Attraction - Love�s Form  By : Aldian Prakoso
    Love's form is energy. It's one of the life-generating frequencies that move swiftly and freely through time and space. The Universe is alive with energy. Light, sound, movement � all of life takes part in an ongoing dance of energy at play. From the motion of the planets to the smallest encounters between passing strangers, everything contributes to the constant flow and exchange of personal and Universal energy.
  • Can You Achieve Anything You Want?  By : Raymond Burton
    "Why do we have to get shaken out of our stupor with a near death event or a tragic event to decide to live our lives the way we want?" If you want to lose weight, you can do it. You just have to be realistic.
  • Giving Is The Nature of Abundance  By : Steve Jones
    Abundance is a fascinating topic. A solid understanding of it can make you rich in many ways. So, let's examine the root of abundance, which is giving.
  • Personal Development Power  By : Michael McGrath
    Accelerate your self improvement by discovering the first rule of personal development. Follow this guide and you will build the life of your dreams.
  • "A Better You" Your 7 days program to self-improvement  By : sukbinder singh
    Is your self-esteem ,on the rocky side.Here is some helpfull hints to improve,the better you i.n seven days.
  • Motivation- 7 Tips to Keep Yourself Motivated and Achieve Your Dreams  By : May Chew
    How to keep yourself motivated is a perennial issue everyone has to grapple with. Especially when the going gets tough. The motivated person will be able to carry on over the difficulties and make dreams come true. Here are 7 Tips to keep yourself motivated and see those dreams to fruition. It works well for self motivation as well as in students and employees. Keep motivated to see yourself through to success.
  • Law of Attraction T-Tool  By : Aldian Prakoso
    The definition of the Law of Attraction is simple: We become a magnet for whatever we give our attention to � whether wanted or unwanted. Whatever we think about causes an emotion that feels either good or bad. The sum of our feelings creates the mood that sets the frequency of the vibrations we're emitting.
  • Three Simple Steps To The Life You Desire  By : Michael McGrath
    Thoughts become Things! Anyone who studies personal development knows this is true but how many know the three ingredients that guarantee you Manifest your desires?
  • Law of Attraction: What is it and Why Should We Care?  By : Carolyn Ellis
    The Law of Attraction states that "like attracts like." Did I attract my divorce? A thought-provoking article dealing with this timely subject.
  • Ten Tips to Increase Your Self-Confidence  By : Emmanuel Segui
    Self-confidence is an important key to success in any walk of life. People with self-confidence are noticed more. They achieve their goals relatively easily. In contrast, people who lack self-confidence often end up being losers. You too need to build your self-confidence if you want to do well in life. Here are ten tips that can help you build that elusive self-confidence:
  • Decision Making � The Answer is in the Coin  By : Andrew Grant
    Ever been stuck, trying to make a tough decision? Discover how tempting fate can give your brain a kick.
  • Do the Potter...  By : Susan Hyatt
    Have faith in yourself to accomplish your dreams!
  • Are You Unconsciously Limiting Your Wealth Potential?  By : Becky Kimes
    Are you open and ready to receive the unlimited wealth and prosperity that is your birthright? If you are struggling to reach your financial goals, unconscious, limiting beliefs may be holding you back. Learn how to identify these beliefs that may be sabotaging your financial success
  • How to Develop Your Self Esteem  By : Emmanuel Segui
    Self esteem is your own personal view of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally. Everyone has a different view of themselves, but keeping a positive outlook will benefit you more than a negative one.
  • Do You Want To Ask Powerful Questions?  By : Maurine Patten
    We all ask questions on a daily basis. Some you direct to others and some to yourself. If you want to get the best answer to your questions, you need to be sure you have asked the right questions. Some words have more power than others. A good question provides the information you need and satisfies three requirements. If change and action are what you are looking for, asking more powerful questions can alter your perception and attitude.
  • Purpose, Manifestation and the Law of Attraction  By : Paul Warren
    People are reading books, articles, and any little tidbit they can get their hands on, and are realizing that the secret law of attraction can truly improve their lives for the better.
  • The Power of Your Name  By : Karen Kay
    Likely it is not the name that led these people to success, necessarily. More likely it was the edge the name gave them. You just need to find your edge.
  • Your Attitude Is Your Choice  By : Michael A. Verdicchio
    The attitude that you have right now, at this very moment, is the one you have chosen to carry around. It is determined by how you think. It is your choice!
  • Three Creative Ways to Make Handling Criticism Fun  By : Janna Chan
    Does thinking about the critical statements of others take up a lot of your time? Is so, The following creative strategies for defusing criticism's emotional impact can turn your personal and professional relationships around: Criticism Management Strategy #1- Evaluate Criticism Criticism Management Strategy #2 � Respond Objectively to Criticism Criticism Management Strategy #3 � Name Your Responses to Criticism
  • Alternatives to The Switch  By : Mike Scantlebury
    Why make a big deal out of it? If you really want to be rich, there must be a simple place to start, surely? Mike Scantlebury takes up the challenge, by giving you a simple exercise, so simple that 99 out of the hundred people who read the advice are sure as hell not going to take it. 'First make me rich' is the usual demand. No, that's not it. First do and act like you're rich is actually the best place to start. Everything else follows.
  • Present Reality Is Manifestation Of Past Thoughts  By :
    Present results are the effects of previous thoughts. In other words, when you look at the world today, you are actually looking at yourself as you were yesterday. The world at any present moment of now, reflects your thoughts and state of being before the present moment of now. Insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result. If you want things to be different, you have to think and do things differently.
  • Creativity and the Excitement of Life  By :
    Are you allowing yourself to express your creativity? When you were growing up, were your creative expressions discouraged? Would you like to express that part of you and experience more of the excitement of life?
  • The Truth About Failure  By : Ada Porat
    Every experience we term �failure� holds a core of liberating truth within. It is part of the learning process of life, giving you the opportunity to define what works for you by experiencing what does not. By moving beyond the label of failure, we can embrace the gifts that these learning experiences bring. Moving beyond the label of failure calls for forgiveness, compassion and an attitude of gratitude.
  • Brain Exercise for Brain Health: 7 Most Frequently Asked Questions  By : Alvaro Fernandez
    Major media publications (Time Magazine, CBS, USA Today...) have started to explain the research behind brain exercise to improve memory and attention and help delay potential problems such as Alzheimer's Disease. We have prepared answers to the 7 Most Frequently Asked Questions, which will provide you with great tips to create your own brain exercise program.
  • How to Turn Your Stressful Day Around Instantly  By : Lena Tucker
    This is an article that can help you turn a stressful day back into a self confident, efficient, and relaxing day.
  • Be a Person of High Integrity  By : Stan the Mann
    To be a person of high integrity go the extra mile, do more than you have promised. If you an appointment, you are early for your appointment. You respect the other person's time, you do not come late. That communicates your time is more important than theirs.
  • People By The Numbers: How To Sum Up A Person's Energy 1 2 3  By : Craig Howell
    I'm going to give you a quick way to sum up the energy of a person, simply by using numbers and some background as to their connection to planets and symbols as related to certain types of energy.
  • Free Your Conscious Mind For Subconscious To Work  By :
    You can be happy to know that to be successful, it is really essential to take more time for enjoyable diversion, instead of working longer and harder. Working smarter means working with your whole mind. Don�t do more work with your conscious mind than is necessary or you are wasting energy. Hold your mind on what you intend to manifest and then go do something else.
  • Failure Is Not An Option  By : Michael A. Verdicchio
    Far too many people live their lives with the fear of failure. Fear will not produce success, only failure. Refuse to be afraid. You can be successful when failure is not an option!
  • Who else wants to Buck the System and Live a Longer, Happier and Wealthier Life  By :
    To many people, keeping the body fit is the only way they believe they can prolong their active life. Well, although it helps, Geoff Morris looks at the effect that creating financial independence from 'The System' can have on your life span, by enabling you to retire from the rat race at an earlier age. If you are looking for a life full of abundance and have this desire to live a Longer, Happier and Wealthier Life, then read on�
  • 30 Ways to Resolve Upsets  By :
    Do you ever get upset? Welcome to the human race! It is very helpful to have some course of action so that you can overcome that negative feeling and feel good again. Unresolved upsets hurt you and the others involved. As a Marriage, Family Therapist, I discovered some very effective ways to assist my clients. The following 30 guidelines for your personal and professional relationships can help you too.
  • Law Of Attraction - Discover How You Can Use It To Increase Focus And Money?  By : Karen Lim
    There are many ways you can increase your wealth. One of the highly recommended methods is to focus on what you are good at. Why does focus help to create or increase your wealth? How can law of attraction help you to focus and produce better results such as making more money? Discover the details in this article.
  • You Probably Know How To Be Wealthy  By : Patric Chan
    We can be motivated thinkers but the problem is, we're somehow programmed not to think big in our society of living. Don't be stopped by others to think big when you can.
  • The Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste  By : Dorothy Duncan
    We were created to grow and change. Our minds will grow only to the extent that we use them. We grow our minds in a diversity of ways including reading, enrolling in classes, learning a new hobby, etc.
  • Make Sure You Are The Winner: The Salary Negotiation Dance  By : Carole Martin
    If the interviewing employer determines that you are right for the job, they will take the lead and make an offer. It is now your turn to move the salary negotiation dance to the next stage. But, first you must evaluate the package.
  • It Really Is Up To You  By : Michael A. Verdicchio
    Every day we determine your own successes and your own failures. These successes and failures are a direct result of what you choose to think about. You can choose to think weak, defeatist, inferior thoughts or you can choose to think thoughts of greatness and success! It really is up to you!
  • Law Of Attraction (LOA) - Discover How You Can Use LOA To Take 100% Responsibility In Your Life!  By : Karen Lim
    Many success books and wealth building seminars have consistently highlighted one key success statement that you ought to have if you want to become wealthy. You have to take 100% responsibility in your life! But how can you take 100% responsibility when you can't control many things that happen in your life? This article shows you how you can apply law of attraction to gain full control in your life-
  • Alternatives to excuses  By : Mike Scantlebury
    Trying to get out of bed in the morning? It might be helpful to think about what's going through your head. Mike Scantlebury, Internet Author and creator of many self-help books and articles, looks at a few examples and asks some hard questions. Most important, if you aren't fooling anyone else, why go on trying to fool yourself?
  • Exactly Why Professional Artist Need High Quality Professional Artist Easel  By : Ie Kuo Yen
    A good quality art easel is not a luxury for a professional artist, it is a requirement. Artists spend a huge amount of time with their artwork. Painting at the wrong angle not only effects the quality of the piece you are working on, it can have severe implications for your physical well being while working for long periods of time.
  • Ladies, after clawing your way to the top, put your claws away� Please!  By : Diane Dutton
    Women in today�s business environment face more obstacles than ever before. Surprised to read these words? I know, you think �We�ve come a long way baby!� That works well for a commercial, but not for real life. Talented women in business are required to blend that talent with daily life issues, such as balancing family life, financial concerns, and of course, all those vying for the same business future. Here's how to put away your claws!
  • How to get Motivated with 12 powerful motivational techniques  By : May Chew
    Motivation is a word everybody needs. Here are 12 power-packed inspirational and motivational reasons to jumpstart creating the life you�ve always wanted. Self motivation is about getting real. Getting to know yourself and being accountable. You are here to make and difference and that difference is valuable, and unique. Get going and start living your dreams now.
  • Job Search Paralysis  By : Robin Ogden
    Do the words 'job search' bring you goosebumps and nausea? Tackle the drudgery by staying in touch with who you are and honing in on your true purpose.
  • Are You Wasting All Your Education and Training?  By : Stan the Mann
    Having trouble succeeding in your business? Check this out.
  • Dangerous Conversations: Coaching for Exceptional Performance  By : Gregg Thompson
    Coaching is not just about giving advice or telling war stories. It's about engaging in a different kind of conversation with another person; the kind of conversation that doesn't play it safe, touches of difficult subjects and goes to risky place. These are Dangerous Conversations, and they are what makes great coaching powerful.
  • Assumptions Are Poison To The Mind  By : Kate Loving Shenk
    Unexamined thoughts, assumptions and stories that hold you prisoner don't hold the key to your happiness.
  • A Couple of Easy Techniques To Use to Become Self Confident in Social Circles or Organizations  By : Lena Tucker
    How to be comfortable and self confident in social circles and organizations. I have listed a couple of my personal examples. I have included a couple of simple ideas to meet people and get to know them better in these circles or organizations so that you will feel self confident.
  • To Risk It All  By : Shane Lamotte
    There should be no Plan B to your dreams and goals. Your dreams should be what you create, your goals should be manifesting themselves everyday, there is no need to settle for anything less.
  • Get The Secret Use The Law of Action  By : Priscilla Parham
    The essential message of The Secret is to guide one to the understanding that the key to unlocking your vast, unlimited potential is buried inside of you. The astounding worldwide attention started first by word-of-mouth and it's circulation is nothing short of a miracle. In all actuality it is just the Law of Attraction put into the Law of Action.
  • 5 Challenges that Could Kill Your Chances of Making Your Dreams Come True  By : Cari Vollmer
    Don't let challenges and/or obstacles stand between where you are now and your dream. Here's the thing -- you'll never be without challenges - they're a fact of life. Therefore, get to know the different type of challenges and what you can do about them. The following list will help.
  • 16 Inspirational Quotes to Celebrate "Rebuild Your Life" Month  By : Noel Jameson
    As we celebrate "Rebuild Your Life" month, why not motivate yourself with some inspirational quotes? After all, words of wisdom are fuel for the fire of the human spirit. These 16 inspirational quotes are sure to motivate you to a bright and bountiful future.
  • Three Powerful Statements of Positive Affirmations that Can Dramatically Change Your Life  By : Lena Tucker
    This is an article that explains 3 ways to come up with positive affirmations that are important to you and that are life changing. You say them daily until the affirmations come true.
  • Road to Change - Are You Bitter or Getting Better?  By : Priscilla Parham
    I'm quite sure we can all agree that change certainly is an inevitable part of life. But why then does it seem to be human nature to resist change? Do you find yourself becoming bitter or getting better about the changes going on now in your life?
  • Money Isn�t Everything!  By : Michael A. Verdicchio
    Money is not the most important thing there is in life, but, when you think about it honestly, what would your life be without any? Money isn�t everything, but in our day, time, and culture, we certainly do need money!
  • Success Does Not Fit My Self-image  By :
    Do you have a successful self-image? Could it be that your old self-image is sabotaging your weight loss, health, career, relationships, or prosperity?
  • Making Your Dreams Your Reality  By : Christopher Anderson
    You have the power to create your own reality and make your dreams come true.
  • Secrets Of Proactive Leadership  By : Gary Crow
    Proactive leaders are cautious without becoming paralyzed by the potential downside of action. They pursue their goals continuously but incrementally, testing/evaluating progress toward the goal. This truth introduces the twelve secrets of Proactive Leadership. This article reveals these secrets and shows you how to incorporate them into your leadership practice.
  • Law of Attraction - 4 Simple Steps to Attract Wealth In Your Life  By : Karen Lim
    Do you think people become rich by working hard? If so, why is it that only 5% of the population is wealthy whereas 95% of the population just manage to get by despite that the later are the people who put in long working hours? What is the wealth formula which the rich uses? This article shows you how you can build your wealth in 4 simple steps.
  • "Enlightenment" Your 7 days program to Positive thinking  By : Tim Maher
    This article seeks to give pointers to living a more positive life. Having goals and thinking big is a must for a positive lifestyle. There must be action for goals to succeed. One must operate out of love rather than fear and see obstacles as opportunities for growth. Learn also to be grateful for what you have rather than what you haven't got. Have a sense of humour and realise that you are the author of your own destiny.
  • Law of Attraction - The 5 Secrets of Visualization  By : Karen Lim
    Many people often question themselves: "If I am not rich and successful now, how can I lie to myself and imagine that I am already rich and successful?" Irregardless of your current reality, I must tell you that visualization will still work for you. This is because your subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between reality and imagination. This article aims to show you the 5 secrets that you can apply to your visualization.
  • How Love Grows (Practical Steps To Keeping Love Alive)  By : Brenda Shoshanna
    We are meant to live a life of love. Yet no matter how successful we are in other aspects of our lives, many do not feel it is possible to succeed at love. This article offers specific, practical, enjoyable steps which help love grow in all areas of your life.
  • Guide to Starting a Home Business  By : ColinMcNulty
    Did anyone ever explain to you how fulfilling - if tough - it might prove to be to run a business at home? You could carefully consider a number of factors before you start up a business at home. Such is true whether you're just pondering about earning a bit extra on the side, or whether this will become your main employment.
  • Law of Attraction Accelerator - Awareness  By : Aldian Prakoso
    People don�t earn $50,000 a year because they want $50,000 a year. They earn $50,000 a year because they're not aware of how to earn $50,000 a month. Now awareness is very important. Most of us are operating from a very low level of awareness. We simply don�t understand the law of the universe, Law of Attraction. No wonder our performance is below par.
  • Is Balance Between Work and Life Eluding You?  By : Ada Porat
    Work-life balance is about finding the critical balance point between work and personal commitments. This process looks different for each person, and it looks different at the various stages of life. Here are six practical steps to help you determine what needs to change in your life and how to do it through getting clarity on what you need, redefining boundaries and surrounding yourself with appropriate support.
  • Overcome Self Sabotage and Achieve Resounding Success  By : May Chew
    Self sabotage behaviors are often unobtrusive. Do you find yourself struggling and never getting what you want? If you have, you quickly lose it. This can happen in relationships, in wealth. Overcome self sabotaging behaviors by reversing self scripts. stop behaviors that stop you from achieving what you want. Don't struggle with struggling and never achieving. Tell yourself you are deserving and take 2 tiny steps towards huge success.
  • Marry Yourself First  By : Gregory Anne Cox
    Loving ourselves is the basis for all other successful relationships. Herein lie the power to a joyful life well lived. There are some subtle ways we devalue ourselves including what we say to ourselves. Read Marry Yourself First for some insights on how to love all of you, even the things you say are ugly.
  • Five Tips To Help You Boost Your Self-Esteem  By : Mike Jennings
    Five simple ways to help boost your self-esteem and make progress in your life with suggestion of tools to use.
  • You're Single for a Reason  By :
    If you're single and reading this, why are you single at this time in your life? What do you need to learn to find and have a fulfilling relationship? This article explores life-changing questions that will help you have the life and love that you really want.
  • Amazing Laws To Boost Your Business And Your Life  By : LaVera J. Gaston
    Too many entrepreneurs and small business owners work much harder than they have to. In fact, working hard is the worst way to make money. If you are not familiar with the Laws of the Universe and how they can enhance your business, read on.
  • The Power of Commitment  By : Tony Mase
    Not long ago, a young friend shared a quote with me because of its similarity to one of my favorite quotes by Wallace D. Wattles. In this article, I'll share it with you.
  • Change The Picture  By : Michael A. Verdicchio
    Very few people realize that the clear picture that they carry of themselves in their own mind is a real and true image of who they really are. How do you see yourself? And what does emotion have to do with it?
  • Nurture Yourself by Giving and Receiving  By :
    Balancing giving and receiving are ways to nurture yourself and reduce your level of stress. Allow yourself to receive and �fill up your basket� so that you can keep giving. Then you can be happier and healthier, and improve your relationships with everyone, including friends, relatives, and your children and loving partner. Read the 34 suggestions of how you can nurture yourself by giving and receiving.
  • Law of Attraction Accelerator - Think Yourself into Wealth and Prosperity  By : Aldian Prakoso
    As humans we are born into abundance and joy but we lose our way into despair. The only way to restore the equilibrium of nature is to think our way into prosperity. However there is a difference between thinking about prosperity as a distant dream and thinking and living in abundance in the present moment.
  • A Few Affirmations To Jump Start Your Goals  By : LaVera J. Gaston
    If you have not been using affirmations as part of your strategy for creating your life, you are missing out on one of the most important aspects of the creative process. Once you learn to use affirmations and begin to see the miraculous benefits, you will not be able to imagine life without them.
  • How to Improve Our Interpersonal Communication  By : May Chew
    Effective communication is essential to good relationships. The key to effective communication is to learn to listen, be empathic, be present, focus on the content, take note of body language, have something good to say. Build bridges, touch lives and achieve results.
  • Rules of the Road for Effective Communicaton  By :
    Nobody likes conflict, yet the most innocent words or actions can result in an argument, even with the best of intentions. Don't wait for your next argument- read this article now to learn nine "Rules of the Road" for effective communication.
  • Secret Law of of Attraction- Know What You Want  By : May Chew
    The Law of Attraction says we attract what we think about. Why is it that many are still living in unahappiness and poverty? It is because they do not know what they want. The key to attracting what you want is to know yourself. What you really want. If it were really possible, can you visualize yourself accepting it? Get rid of self sabotage. Internalize the goals you really want. Align with your values. Focus , affirm and achieve.
  • Why is it Important to Improve your self ?  By : Tim Maher
    This article is about self improvement and seeks to point out that we shouldn't think that others are somehow better or more secure than us. Just because someone has apparently got it all together or looks more confident than us doesn't mean that they haven't got any room for improvement. We all have areas in our lives that could do with a bit of sharpening up so really this topic should be one that could occupy us for lifetime learning.
  • Accepting Responsibility, Without Taking The Blame  By : Rob Marshall
    The only way to overcome our circumstances and take charge of our lives is to accept full responsibility for them. But we shouldn't spend all our time blaming ourselves for our problems. When we accept responsibility we actually regain control of our lives and can begin to change them.
  • How To Give Help, How To Ask For It  By :
    Giving help is a craft; receiving help, an art. Read important guidelines about how to give and receive help.
  • Leadership Exposed: Things You Thought You Knew About Leadership  By : Tim Maher
    This article is about leadership in its different forms such as formal as in politics and business and informal as in the elder of a family. People who have achieved a lot in their field of endeavour have positions of leadership bestowed upon them. Leadership is a process of becoming and it starts with the individual. It is a shared process with a team of people. Depending on circumstances different styles of leadership are required in practice.
  • Your Dreams  By : Michael A. Verdicchio
    It doesn�t matter what anyone else says or thinks about your dreams. Regardless of the past and regardless of how old you are today, you can still see your dreams fulfilled.

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