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Articles in Home | Women's Health | Breast Cancer

  • Educate Yourself About Breast Cancer Prevention  By : MIKE SELVON
    Life always involves risks, some more dangerous than others and for most women reducing risk includes breast cancer prevention.
  • The Face Of Metastatic Breast Cancer  By : Riley Hendersen
    America received a shocking piece of news in March 2007. John Edward's wife, Elizabeth, had been diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. She spoke calmly, with inner strength, about how she had asked her husband to continue his presidential campaign, and how she wanted to campaign by his side.
  • Young Women Are Learning To Fight Back: What You Can Do To Reduce Your Breast Cancer Risk  By : Pat Carpenter
    The American Cancer Society predicts 34,170 new cancer cases in Texas this year. Of those, 2, 480 are expected to be breast in third place, following lung (9,920 cases expected), and colon/rectum (3,220). Nationally, 26% of new cancer diagnose 178,480 will be breast, accounting for one-third of all cancers in women.
  • The modern Breast cancer treatments  By : Darren Dunner
    As with the treatment of similar cancers, breast cancer treatment aims to keep safe the healthy tissue while simultaneously killing the cancerous tumor at its point of origination and any other cancers that may have spread to other parts of the body.
  • Can You Recognize Breast Cancer Symptoms?  By : Riley Hendersen
    If you learn to recognize what the breast cancer symptoms are, you empower yourself to find out what's going on with your body. You might find out it's not cancer. You've lessened the burden of worry because you recognized a possible breast cancer symptom, and bravely forged ahead to get diagnosed.
  • Breast Cancer Treatment Options: Facing Your Fears And Moving Ahead  By : Riley Hendersen
    After breast cancer diagnosis, time is of the essence to ensure recovery. Digest the news; then start learning, so you're comfortable with your informed choices for breast cancer treatment. Breast cancer treatment requires internal fortitude to reach recovery.
  • What's A Breast Cancer Ribbon?  By : Riley Hendersen
    The pink breast cancer ribbon is an icon of hope for women with breast cancer. It not only reminds women to have regular screenings, it encourages everyone to give to breast cancer research and other non-profit agencies the front lines of the breast cancer struggle to educate, treat and promote awareness of breast cancer.
  • Does Breast Cancer Awareness Saves Lives?  By : Riley Hendersen
    As Sidney Poiter said on the Oprah Winfrey show in March 2007, "I was left with the responsibility to effectuate my own survival." As adults, we're all accountable for our own survival. Yet as human beings, we need to ensure each other's survival by learning what is not always easily discovered, but necessary to know. This is especially true when one is newly diagnosed with breast cancer.
  • Modern Breast Cancer Treatment Methods  By : Darren Dunner
    Breast cancer has become a more common disease among women in modern times. Once known as an older women�s disease, women in their 20�s are now experiencing more cases of it. Statistics reveal that the average breast cancer risk is 14%.
  • Increasing Awareness With a Breast Cancer Bracelet  By : Riley Hendersen
    The breast cancer bracelet is just like any other bracelet that you would think nothing of buying and wearing; but you have the added benefit of knowing that in wearing the bracelet you are promoting breast cancer awareness and, in so doing, are part of a community that is saving lives.
  • Increasing Your Chance Of Survival By Recognizing Breast Cancer Symptoms  By : Riley Hendersen
    Breast cancer symptoms vary from woman to woman. Not every woman experiences every symptom. And when symptoms are experienced, the level and frequency with which they are experienced vary significantly depending on the cancer and the woman. Never let a doctor brush you aside with a promise that nothing is wrong if you feel differently. No one knows your body better than you do.
  • Waging a Battle With Breast Cancer Treatment  By : Riley Hendersen
    But aside from surgery, there are also many other choices of breast cancer treatment including, chemotherapy - a frequent course of intravenous drugs used to stop the growth of the cancer; radiation - using pinpoint radiation therapy to kill cancer cells; and hormonal therapy to stop the growth of cancer cells.
  • Understanding Metastatic Breast Cancer  By : Riley Hendersen
    When cancer cells break away from the originally affected site, and spread to other parts of the body through the blood or lymphatic system, this is referred to as metastatic cancer.
  • Bacterial Vaginitis or Yeast Infection  By : Graham Winmill
    Bacterial vaginitis, or yeast infections, is not something that many women want or need at any point in their lives, but it is unfortunately something that over 75% of women will get in their lifetime. And of this number a great many women will have recurring bacterial vaginitis as well.
  • Breast Cancer Prevention Still Needs More Attention  By : Andi Michaels
    Breast cancer prevention is important for women to learn about, especially since breast cancer is the most commonly occurring cancer in women.
  • Saving Lives Through Breast Cancer Awareness  By : Riley Hendersen
    The insidiousness of breast cancer is without parallel - affecting over a million people a year worldwide and claiming the lives of women at a rate second only to lung cancer. As women battle for their lives on a daily basis, a grassroots movement to educate the women of the world continues to surge.
  • Symptoms of Breast Cancer  By : Herman Dias
    This page tells you about breast cancer
  • Breast Surgery for People with Breast Cancer  By : Lee Dobbins
    Here is a look at some of the options that breast surgery patients may be facing.
  • Breast Reconstruction Surgery  By : Tammy Garcia
    This year, more than 250,000 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. The good news is breast cancer is 90 percent curable when caught early. Which makes it so important to perform regular self-exams, and continue monitoring your health regularly.
  • Breast Cancer: Keeping Abreast  By : Barney Garcia
    A tiny suspicious lump tucked somewhere in the underarm or anywhere near the breasts, a mammography test and a U.S.G. of the breasts are probably the few first indicators of breast cancer.
  • You Can Prevent Breast Cancer!  By : Ben Franklin
    Sometimes, one suffers from breast cancer even if you've taken all the necessary precautions and preventive measures. Call it fate or whatever, but if you do take care, the chances of suffering from it suddenly get that much smaller!
  • Natural Breast Cancer Treatment Strategies  By : Sandra Clair
    Many women suffering from breast cancer are interested in learning more about natural treatment options. Read this article to learn more about natural breast cancer treatment.
  • Herbal Cure For Breast Cancer  By : Daniel Millions
    Searching For A Specialist That You Feel Comfortable With
  • Diagnosed With Breast Cancer? Here Are Some Resources To Help!  By : Mike Herman
    There are more and more organisations and groups around the world who will offer support and advice to not just women but men as well who have been affected by breast cancer.
  • Breast Cancer, Did Toxic Anti Perspirant Deodorants Kill My Friends?  By : Jean Shaw
    In the last two years I have lost three friends to breast cancer and have had my own personal mammogram scare. Fortunately the biopsy was benign but even so it was a pretty traumatic experience and I began to wonder what on earth is going on.
  • Let's Walk For Breast Cancer - The Avon Breast Cancer Walk  By : Mike Herman
    Now more than ever women and men are taking part in the Avon Breast Cancer Walk fundraising campaign.

    This walk has been specifically set up to raise money to help in the fight against breast cancer.
  • Latest Discoveries on How to Treat Breast Cancer  By : Paul P. Winyesci
    The study could have an impact on the cost of breast cancer treatment. If it can be determined if radiation therapy will not increase survival rates of those patients who are low risk, it could save the medical community and patients thousands of dollars.
  • Get Successful Breast Cancer Treatment By Including Complementary And Alternative Therapies  By : Brooke Hayles
    Holistic therapist shouldn't be used in place of medical breast cancer treatment, but it can help treat your emotional needs that will make your overall state of being as well as helping with the side effects such as vomiting and nausea. Sometimes, holistic treatments will prolong a patience life, some times by years.
  • Breast Cancer Treatment - Exploring The Two Most Popular Alternatives  By : Brooke Hayles
    Cancer treatments are getting more advanced all the time. Breast cancer is second only to heart disease as the leading killer of adult aged women, with 1.2 million new cases each year. Breast cancer treatment has more options the earlier you catch it.
  • Herbal And Alternative Treatments For Breast Cancer  By : Mary Hanna
    Medical Doctors are finding that alternative treatments, such as herbs, help women with breast cancer during their chemotherapy and radiation. Research papers have shown that women with breast cancer find herbal remedies and alternative medicine helps in relief of fatigue, nausea and sleep disorders.
  • Breast Cancer Information  By : Keith Londrie
    Life-threatening malignancies in one or both breasts is termed as breast cancer. Breast cancer can be both noninvasive, the one that does not spread and invasive which has high chances of spreading.
  • Breast Cancer - What Everyone Should Know  By : Brooke Hayles
    Although research into breast cancer prevention is an ongoing process, there have been a number of breakthroughs recently. The National Cancer Institute has tested a number of drugs that could potentially prevent the disease altogether.
  • Cancer in Females  By : Keith Londrie
    Cancer of breast tissue is breast cancer. It is a highly common and fatal cancer in females. Breast cancer can affect males too, as their un grown breast is composed of identical tissues as females.
  • Breast Cancer - Some Less Known Facts About It  By : Brooke Hayles
    Breast cancer is something that most people typically relate with females, but did you know that breast cancer can also affect males? It is important for men to be aware that they too can be affected.
  • Health Tips For Breast Cancer Patients  By : Sandra Clair
    Learn what are some important health tips to follow for breast cancer patients in order to minimize the side effects of breast cancer treatment as well as how to get well sooner.
  • Do You Know What Your Risks Are of Developing Breast Cancer?  By : Patricia Wagner
    Find out what your personal risk factors are for developing breast cancer and what you can do about it by reading this article.
  • Recognizing And Battling Breast Cancer  By : Susan Jan
    Breast cancer has been diagnosed in large numbers in North America and Europe. In 2001, about 200,000 cases of breast cancer were diagnosed in the United States alone. Every woman has a 1 in 8 risk of developing breast cancer, but the risk of dying from breast cancer is much lower, barely 1 in 28.
  • Breast Cancer Information - Every Woman Should Read This  By : Tyson J Stevenson
    Millions of women are affected with breast cancer all around the world. Breast cancer is growing like an epidemic and is predicted that 45,000 patients will die from breast cancer, this year. If you feel a solid lump in your breast, you must visit a specialist for consultation.
  • How Women Can Protect Themselves From Getting Breast Cancer  By : Travis Waack
    Chances are you know someone - a family member, colleague, or friend who has been affected by cancer. You'll want to learn more about prevention especially if you have a history of cancer in your family. There are over two hundred different types of cancer and the most common one for women is breast cancer.

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