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Three Weight Loss Routines

By: Elias Hansson

There are many ways to burn fat. If we just become creative and open our eyes, we will surely find them. We have to blend fat burning exercises into our daily routines and our exercise program and diet.

If you eat enough veggies and reasonable amounts of healthy protein and then add fat burning exercise on your program then you will not only lose weight fast but also stay slim and have more energy

and peace of mind. In this survey, I will show you altered kinds of sports, activities and daily life routine where you actually lose weight

1. Running

Running is one of the best and most used ways to get in shape, lose that belly fat and get more joy. Almost everybody can jog and you can basically run anywhere. Start

jogging slowly three times a week and then after two weeks you can try to run faster and longer. I personally prefer to run 45-60 minutes three times a week. but, you can also run every day for 35 min.

The best time to start jogging if you want to lose weight is to start running as the first thing you do in the morning. You get out of bed; drink a glass of water and then you hit

the running board 35 min a day is good and it will make you burn many calories throughout the whole day. It is easy, just get up 45 min earlier and make it a daily habit. You can lose fat

this way. Remember to visit your doctor if you have health issues. visit to your sports store and get some advice in what running shoes you need to buy.

2. Walking

We all walk, however some of us only walk to the car! Walking can be as good as jogging if you do it enough. Try and walk to school. It is a very good idea to walk to school if you live near

your school or work place and even 30 minutes or one hour walk every day is very good thing. Instead of taking the elevator, start using the stairs. If you use the stairs, every day and walk

wherever you can, you will build up your condition and get in great shape. It might take longer to get in shape while just walking, but this routine will support you to build a healthy fat burning habit

as well. considering you think about your exercise, then you will also begin eating healthier and add more exercises to your daily routine.

3. Biking

There are many various kinds of biking, but if you really want to lose fat easy you have to join a spinning program at your local fitness center. Alternatively, find a gym where they have spinning. I have

done spinning myself and it works. Within six weeks, I lost 12 kg's. I did spinning every night and I know that was a factor as well. In addition, my diet was different as well.

But in spinning, you sit on a special constructed bike for around 60 minutes. You can actually do the spinning yourself if you have the discipline, but the best way would be

to be in a beginners class where you are a whole group biking and then there is an instructor. Spinning is of course indoors.

Article Source: http://wellnessarticles.net

Start to lose your belly fat today! Discover the great secret to fat burning. Check out this new revolution in loosing weight and weight loss pills. www.worldinshape.net Read more information about fat burning here: weight loss reviews: www.worldinshape.net

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