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Embrace Your Pain!!

By: Kate Loving Shenk

I have a pain in my brain, it seems, near my left temple. The pain surfaced last night as my Labor and Delivery unit got busier and busier. I started out the night with a headache which my nursing colleague soothed away with the Mechano treatment I teach.

She does a superb job.

The pain in my brain keeps surfacing and I think about everything it could be.

An atypical migraine, perhaps?

A lingering pain from the earlier headache?

A brain aneurysm? A brain tumor?

A stroke?

My imagination is taking away my equilibrium!

Yet, I wonder, if I were to die today, what would I do differently?



Somewhere in between?

What was worrisome to me was that I never had this kind of pain before. So I practiced ZPoint on it.

Laura Whitelaw did a neat ZPoint session with me a few weeks ago and since then, practice it many times a day.

So, ZPoint in its simplicity, is the practice of choice on this pain that suddenly brings me face to face with my own mortality.

Last week, my 99 year old Aunt sent me a picture beside a painting she did for which she won a purple ribbon and also attracted national attention.

Jay Leno called her and congratulated her personally!

I love it that she is experimenting with her creative soul at age 99.

I used to think I would live until 99 or older, introducing innovative ideas into the culture, being adventurous, loving every moment of life.

Why imagine doing what at 99 I am doing now, in this present moment?

And when the pain began, I realized that at any time, this amazing physical life time could end, and could do so suddenly, as it often does for so many people.

As we say in medicine, "There are no guarantees."

But for me, peace of mind is guaranteed if I use my spiritual tools.

I noticed that when the pain in my head surfaced, which it did intermittently and relentlessly on a scale of about 6, I resisted it and had a strong desire to run away from it, but knew this was impossible.

So ZPoint was the next logical step.

"What is ZPoint?

"Zpoint is a simple, easy to learn way of truly becoming who you are and are meant to be. This is a simple method. You don't have to buy anything.

"Its as simple as reading a 5 line healing program and repeating a special cue word whenever you are feeling stressed or upset or wish to release a harmful self destructive life pattern.

"It is a simple yet powerful tool that quickly transforms your life by releasing struggle, discomfort and the pain of unpleasant memories. And the best part is, you will experience the benefits of this extraordinary process almost immediately.

"That's right, you will feel a difference right away and the effects are cumulative." Grant Connolly, the creator of Zpoint

I went into the pain with my cue word, which is tree. What the heck: what you resist, persists and this pain is no exception.

The Labor and Delivery unit calmed down, and as the pain came in waves through my left temple, I focused on the word "tree."

These are the words I thought, taken from Grant Connolly's writings.

I clear all the ways I feel this pain--(tree, tree, tree).

I clear all the ways I feel this pain because--(tree, tree, tree).

I clear all the ways I feel the remainder (of this pain) because--(tree, tree, tree).

ICATW I may feel this remainder if--(tree, tree,tree).

ICATW unconscious parts of me feel the remainder of this pain--(tree, tree, tree).

ICATW these parts feel this remainder because--(tree. tree, tree).

ICATW these parts benefit from my feeling the remainder of this pain--(tree, tree, tree).

ICATW these parts may be afraid of letting these and similar pains go--(tree, tree, tree).


ICATW I feel this remainder of this pain--(tree, tree, tree).

ICATW I feel this remainder because--(tree, tree, tree).

ICATW I feel this remainder if--(tree, tree, tree).

ICATW unconscious parts of me feel the remainder of this pain-- (tree, tree, tree).

ICATW these parts feel this remainder because-- (tree, tree, tree).

ICATW these parts benefit from my feeling the remainder of this pain- (tree, tree, tree).

ICATW parts of me may be afraid of my allowing the remainder and similar pain all go--(tree, tree, tree).

By end of shift, the pain had subsided. By the time I returned to work, the pain was gone.

Ah yes, another day to live, love and explore the mysteries of this life time.

And I've taken up tree hugging and kissing. When I release my hold from around the tree, a great surge of energy is exchanged between me and this noble life form.

What a wonderful gift!!

Article Source: http://wellnessarticles.net

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Kate Loving Shenk is a writer, healer, musician and the creator of the e-book called "Transform Your Nursing Career and Discover Your Calling and Destiny." Click here to find out how to order the e-book: www.nursingcareertransformation.com Check Out Kate's Blog: www.nursehealers.typepad.com -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

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