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Changing Bodybuilding With Insulin

By: Dane Fletcher

No one has paid attention to bodybuilding for the last several years without being able to tell you that over the past 15 years, the physiques have grown like never seen before. Professional bodybuilders these days are stepping onto the stage at over 280 pounds, after the top champions have had the title at 230-240 pounds for many years before. Few people know that the secret of this newfound growth is insulin.

For a long time insulin had a reputation for making people put on fat. This is an anabolic hormone, but one that has been known to cause sudden weight gain for diabetics and others using it for purposes other than bodybuilding. On the other hand, when grouped with human growth hormone, insulin can result in some massive growth. One of the reasons that many people gain fat on insulin is over consumption of carbohydrate. The initial reaction is to get rid of the carbs, this is wrong. For each IU of insulin used, an additional 10 grams of carbs are required. With too little carbs it is possible that you can go into a hypoglycemic coma (diabetic shock) and possibly die. But piling on the carbs will result in gaining a lot of unwanted weight.

It is very obvious that bodybuilding is made even more complex than usual while using insulin. It's extreme on both ends where eating too many carbohydrates will be unfriendly to your physique; however, not eating enough carbohydrates will have negative effects on your health. For this reason many bodybuilders shapes have been ruined from using insulin while bodybuilding. Some of the bodybuilders who had great shape a few years ago now look completely different with big bellies and high fat levels. It is this reason why some bodybuilders would never support taking insulin. Others believe the opposite; saying that insulin gives a fighting chance to some of the smaller guys that can't compete with the bigger and taller competitors. These people are the ones who believe insulin has changed bodybuilding forever.

Most competitors have to take the time to realize that in order to compete at the highest level, they're going to need a level of muscle mass that is usually not possible through average steroid cycles. While both testosterone and growth hormone are key ingredients for bodybuilding, they will only take you so far. If you get to the heights of amateur bodybuilding and closer to top amateur competitors, you'll find that a lot of them will be using insulin to get bigger and get better shape. Although, it is not essential that everyone practice this, for most people the long-term affects aren't worth the amount of risk involved. But those who plan to use this technique should learn everything they possibly can about insulin before taking it. The benefits of taking insulin while bodybuilding can be magnificent, but like most things you do to your body, it needs to be carefully researched and responsibly taken to avoid negative effects.

Article Source: http://wellnessarticles.net

Dane Fletcher is the world-wide authority on bodybuilding and steroids. He has coached countless athletes all over the world. To read more of his work, please visit either www.BodybuildingToday.com or www.SteroidsToday.com

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