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Can Diet Help Arthritis?

By: Darrell Knox

Having a well balanced diet is important for everyone especially those who suffer from arthritis.

Even though there is no miracle cure for arthritis, that doesn't mean that there aren't ways of easing the pain and discomfort that arthritis causes. One of the ways to do this is by having a well balanced diet.

Maintaining a healthy weight and well balanced diet is something which most people have great trouble with. If you do suffer from arthritis and are looking to ease the situation by having a healthier diet, than you should take note of the following points:

Keep your weight within a normal range
Perform regular exercise
Eat a variety of foods
Avoid/eating foods high in sugar
Avoid eating foods high in cholesterol
Avoid eating foods high in fat
Avoid eating foods high in salt
Avoid eating oily foods

The above will give you a general idea on what you should do to improve your diet. However there's no need to be too strict with your diet, just make sure you have a well balanced diet. A well balanced diet not only consists of fruit and vegetables but food from all of the food groups. Food like bread, rice, pasta, fish, yogurt and cheese are all important to your diet. It's important that fast food, chocolate and other "unhealthy" foods are cut down from your diet. You can still eat these types of food but they should be consumed only occasionally.

If you are overweight, reducing your weight can feel like a godsend because all your extra weight is putting pressure on your joints. In most cases even losing a small amount of weight will ease some of the pain you are feeling.

With arthritic sufferers, there are specific foods which you should not eat or eat very little of. Avoiding the below points in most cases will ease your arthritis pain.

Some meats like kidney and liver

In regards to exercising, you may find it difficult as your arthritis can make exercise an unbearable task. Try concentrating on the diet and then when your pain becomes manageable, slowly begin your exercise routine.

So you now know that dieting can help your arthritis and you should now have a better idea in how to go about dieting. However I'm sure you are dieting to know the exact benefits that dieting can help your arthritis situation, unfortunately it's not so easy.

There isn't exactly a specific diet to treat arthritis and no set rules. Even though there are some foods that will help your arthritis, some of those foods may have a negative impact on other people more research still needs to be conducted.

Nonetheless you'll be happy to hear that it has been proven at least to an extent, that diet does affect arthritis. By maintaining a healthy diet, regular exercise and avoiding or at least restricting the foods mentioned, you should be able to notice a significant improvement with your arthritis.

Article Source: http://www.wellnessarticles.net

Darrell Knox is a writer and entrepreneur with 15 years of home business and marketing experience.Site:www.acejointrelief.com/tall.pl/how/juvenile.html

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