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Aromatherapy for the Female

By: Evelyn Lim

As a female, you undergo several changes to your body as you age. Your hormones turn topsy turvey during pregnancy, childbirth, and subsequently menopause. Because of hormonal changes, you not only experience physical effects but also emotional ones.

There are many over the counter treatments, fad diets, exercise gadgets and prescription drugs that promise to help shed the pounds, tone the body, prevent wrinkles, remove the effects of hormonal imbalance or speed up the production of estrogen. However, as you well know, it is impossible to turn back the hands of time and your aging process.

The most important thing that you can do, as you age, is take good care of yourself and health. By living a life that is as stress free as possible and consuming a diet of wholesome rich organic foods, and by using the essential oils of herbs and plants you can treat many of the symptoms that appear before they become settled and evident in your life and appearance.

One of the most important aspects to maintaining your physical beauty and health is to detoxify the body of impurities regularly. Toxins will rob you of your beauty and slow down the ability of your body to regenerate itself and maintain its optimum level of health and beauty.

One sign that you may need to cleanse your body, even if you have achieved your desired weight, is by the appearance of cellulite. Cellulite is dimpled areas of collections of fat that lay underneath the skin. These spots usually collect around the hips, buttocks, and upper thighs. They have a strong resemblance to cottage cheese and clearly, you will want to get rid of cellulite in order to fit into a bikini or bicycle shorts.

Aromatherapy offers many plants and herbs that have excellent results in removing cellulite. Three of the most powerful herbs used to rid toxins and cellulite include Juniper, Grapefruit, and Fennel. A wonderful way to use these herbs is to make massage oil out of the essential oils and adding them to carrier oil. You can massage the oil directly onto the problem areas daily for maximum benefit. You can also drink a tea or herbal infusion made from these beneficial herbs.

In addition, you can also use inhale some aromatherapy scent for stabilizing your mood. At the scent level, aromatherapy activates the limbic system and emotional centers of the brain. Lavender and eucalyptus can make a wonderful choice in aiding sleep and reducing anxiety.

Before using aromatherapy, it is always best to consult with a qualified therapist on how to mix the herbs or for edible teas or infusions. Always remember to read labels and safety instructions of essential oils before using them.

Aromatherapy is a wonderful weapon to combat stress, fatigue and poor immune system. It holds the key to improving your skin, hair, and overall health and wellness. With the help of aromatherapy, while you may not be able to turn back the clock, you can still look younger than your age as well as go through menopause gracefully.

Article Source: http://www.wellnessarticles.net

Want to read more on aromatherapy ? Check out this health article directory on natural health, fitness and nutrition: www.healthandwellnesscentral.com.

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