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The Simplistic Design and Beauty of Aromatherapy Soy Candles

By: Alex Rider

Aromatherapy has long been a popular holistic therapeutic treatment for both mental and physical well-being. By using selective scents and oils, the body can relax and therefore heal itself. Candles are an essential part of aromatherapy; combining different scents to make a very pleasant atmosphere for your home or office. There are a variety of materials that can be used to make candles; carnauba wax, bees wax, paraffin wax, and soy based wax. Aromatherapy candles are made with the most natural of ingredients.

The Making Of...

Making an aromatherapy soy candle is not in any way as difficult as you might assume. First you should decide what shape of candle or candles you want. Most experienced aromatherapy soy candle makers will recommend using a jar or other glass container, as this is the easiest and least messy candle method.

one pound of soy wax (in flake form)
one glass jar (or mason jar)
one ounce of your favorite fragrance oil
wax dye
one cotton wick

Completely melt your soy wax in a pan over medium heat on the stove. Remove from the heat and combine your selected fragrance oil. Continue stirring until the oil has properly blended with the melted wax. Also during this time you can add the optional wax dye; be sure to follow the label instructions regarding the dye. Pour the wax concoction into the glass jar. Your last step is positioning the wick in the center of your aromatherapy soy candle. You may want to use a pencil to help keep the wick centered until the wax has hardened. Once solid, trim the wick as directed; light, and enjoy.

To The Mattresses

You may be wondering how aromatherapy soy candles stand up against other kinds of candles; how do they differ from the more common carnauba candles. Soy candles do produce much less soot than other types of candles. Some people believe they burn longer and more evenly, and their scent radius is bigger. You would not need as many candles burning to fill your room and/or home with the desired scent.

Are there any disadvantages to using aromatherapy soy candles? One of the biggest turn-offs for people who make their own candles is the high price of soy wax to carnauba and paraffin wax. And beginners may get a little frustrated with soy. It is suggested novices start off their hobby using paraffin wax.

Article Source: http://www.wellnessarticles.net

If you are interested in purchasing an aromatherapy soy candle , have a look at our website www.aromatherapyretreat.com/The-Soy-Aromatherapy-Candle-Alternative-To-Paraffin-And-Beeswax.php for a decent selection of goods and reviews amongst much more!

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