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Japanese Skin Care. What Is It? Why Should We Care?

By: Peter Clark

Ever heard of Japanese skin care? No? Interested in good skin care? Then you need to know what Japanese skin care is and why it works so well.

The Japanese have great looking skin, no doubts about that. Smooth and youthful. Of course a lot of that is to do with the Japanese diet and lifestyle. The Japanese have a very good diet, which incorporates vegetables and fish as well as meat in moderation, and they exercise regularly. Even into their later years the Japanese are spritely and fit. And that of itself makes for good skin care. Because being healthy on the inside makes us look healthy, and good, on the outside.

The Japanese diet is rich in fish, which is rich in essential fatty acids, and omega 3, one of the essential fats that is so important for our body's and overall health.

However it's not just the Japanese diet and lifestyle that accounts for their great looking youthful skin. The Japanese have recognized for many years that it's important to do all they can to improve the look and their skin to supplement their good diet and lifestyle.

That's why a lot the credit for a successful Japanese skin care routine has to go to several essential ingredients in their skin care routinewhich have been derived from their diet.

One of the most important is Phytessence Wakame. Never heard of Phytessence Wakame? You have now and will more and more because it's being recognized as one of the essential ingredients in a high quality skin care regime.

It's one of the big secrets of the success of Japanese women for keeping themselves look young and glowing right into their later years.

Phytessence Wakame is a type of seaweed, or kelp. It's found around Japan, and is a large part of the Japanese diet. Yes they eat seaweed, and it's a huge part of the reason why the Japanese look so healthy, and are so healthy.

And now, thanks to some very clever people, it's possible to extract the essential ingredients of Phytessence Wakame and use it topically, direct onto the skin.

And Phytessence Wakame has so many useful properties. It's packed with minerals and vitamins that skin needs, and which improve skin quality. For example it's high in the B vitamins and it's high in essential minerals like Potassium and Calcium.

And these properties, and more, make it the ideal solution to keeping your skin looking smooth and youthful and good looking, as well as healthy.

How does it do that? It blocks the effects of hyaluronidase.

Never heard of hyaluronidase? Hyaluronidase is an enzyme that breaks down an acid in our body called hyraluronic acid. And as hyraluronic acid is good for our skin, keeping it smooth and elastic, we don't want it broken down.

Phytessence Wakame stops our bodies breaking down the hyraluronic acid, so our body retains it's hyraluronic acid to do it's good work for our skin.

All sound a little too complicated? That doesn't matter, what matters is that the secrets of Japanese skin care are gradually being learnt, and applied so that we too can keep a youthful and healthy skin right into our later years, just like Japanese women do.

Now you know one of the secrets of Japanese skin care. Here's another. It's quite possible to buy modern skin care products that contain Phytessence Wakame and allow you too to care for your skin like the Japanese.

Article Source: http://wellnessarticles.net

Want to know more about Natural Skin Care products with Phytessence Wakame? Visit Peter's Website Natural Health-Natural Skin Care and find out more about Organic Skin Care Products at naturalskinhealth.com/

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