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Gas Home Remedies

By: Jeff Austin

First, there is always gas present in the human body. It is a natural occurrence that causes no pain or discomfort or is even noticeable unless there gets to be too much of it.

Gas in the human body is made up of nitrogen or oxygen or carbon dioxide which is produced when stomach acid comes in contact with bile juices.

When there is excess gas in the body, it becomes painful. Bloating can occur. The only way to relieve the problem is to expel the gas.

There are multiple products available on the shelves of your local drug store that are designed to help with expelling excess gas or to help prevent excess gas from forming.

Since gas in the system isn't a new occurrence, there are, of course, many tried and proven home remedies.

One old home remedy, which has been adopted by the medical community, is that laying on the left side of the body helps to keep excess gas from forming as well as helping the body to rid itself of the gas.

Just some exercise helps the human body to expel excess gas as well. Take a walk around the block after a meal to help prevent gas from forming in the first place. Some calisthenic exercises like leg lifts and situps can also help.

Use about a half teaspoon of dry ginger powder and just a pinch of asafoetida and a pinch of rock salt in a cup of warm water. Drink the mixture slowly and try to avoid swallowing any air while drinking it. This will help to dispel excess gas in the system.

Another home remedy that has been proven effective over many years is mixing just two teaspoons of brandy in a cup of hot water and drinking it just before retiring for the night.

Article Source: http://wellnessarticles.net

For more information on flatulence, be sure to visit the-health-hub.com where you'll find information on health topics such as acne, weight loss, fibromyalgia & more

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