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Focus On Fat Loss Instead Of Weight Loss

By: Jerry Leung

There are various method to lose weight. In fact, you will try to make your body burn more calories when you are trying to losing weight. However, if you would like to make your body healthier, you should focus on losing fat.

As a matter of fact, we usually refer to the idea of fat loss when we are talking about weight loss. You are trying to lose the excessive fat in your body so that you can become healthier.

However, we need to understand that losing fat is not totally the same as losing weight. You can lose weight by losing water. This is what most fast weight loss plans do. You will be losing water within your body. And of course it is not really good for you. You will gain back the weight when you drink some water.

You will need to control the calorie intake if you would like to lose the excessive fat in your body. If you get less calories than you need, your body will start covert the fat in your body to become energy. And you will be able to lose fat eventually.

However, you do not lose weight by starving yourself. This is not the way to lose weight. This is because you may just lose the protein within your body when you are starving yourself. To this end you will have less muscle mass and your metabolic weight will also decrease. This will not be a good way to lose weight. At the end of the day it is not a way of losing fat.

You have to find ways to boost your metabolism if you would like to lose fat. In order to do so, you have to do exercises so that you can build some muscle mass. Protein will be needed otherwise you will not be able to build the muscle mass. Boosting your metabolism will help you to lose fat effectively.

Besides aerobic exercises, you should also do some weight training exercises so that you can build the muscle. Remember, your overall weight may not change a lot since you have build some muscle while you are losing fat. You will need to monitor the ratio of body fat and muscle in order to know if you have lose fat successfully. You cannot get the information by monitoring the weight. You will certainly become a lot healthier if you can really lose the unwanted fat!

Article Source: http://wellnessarticles.net

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